So sorry for not updating in a while.
Ok, ok So I kinda know a lot of stuffs about people who visit my blog. A little TOO much since I know 'em "deeper than deep" or "inside the inside". Or I could say that I know THAT much to the extent of being able to track you down (I.P) to the screen resolution you use and how you go to my blog (google, links etc).
Ok, get this. If you searched for "Frank Iero Signature" in google, you'll see a link to my blog in the front page. Which either means it's ttlyfrsrsly relevant, or I'm just famous.

And by famous I mean ghostbuster famous, cause the person who "found" this blog through google is from U.K.
So if any of you tried to, say, go to my blog and stuff, I know what kind of system you use, your screen size, your country and your Internet Protocol stuff.
all thanks to
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