Saturday, June 28, 2008


"One Day, This Day, Set the Ferris Wheel Ablaze|You Left My Heart an Open Wound"

So from that line, I searched blogskin for ferris wheel skins. Sadly they don't have any pictures of a ferris wheel burning down, or anything burnt for that matter.

This morning I had diarrhea, so I didn't go PT. But Ting Zhou still pump me. Wah Rapid pump led by Jason hahaha.

Then Staryu made me say "Pikachu" then I got ten haahaha.

Stupiid, I should've saw that coming. But then again, JT was in a bad mood so for some reason, Aaron conducted the Sectionals. O Occhi Manza Mia. The last half is really fun. Then combines the song came out pretty good and the tune is catchy so when I went home and made guitar pro file. Haha played around with different instruments like strings and brass instruments. Like trumpets. But the best is still when it's in piano.

After getting bored, I decided to search the song title on google and I found the meaning in choral music wikia (which I found lacks asian music like pok pok and noyosa)

Oh those eyes my lover, those golden eyelashes!
Oh resplendent as the face of the moon!
Keep me in mind, my fair delight,
Cast your eyes on me, do please me.

Ang Moh girlfriends hahaha.

I just realized the song "Thank You" is awesome.
Now if only I can find lyrics for it...