I am damn sleepy lor. Like not enough sleep.
Hmm I don't know why but maybe because OF THE ART PROJECT.
Actually the project itself is not so bad, I can finish on time yadda yadda yadda. But it's the incapable group members who refuse to do any work and if he does, the result is berry shitty. I mean, if I ask you to do work you do. Fine you did but you don't have to waste my time waiting for you right? What is this? Eating dinner at 9pm. And you say you're gonna take up half an hour. ON EATING. Unlike you, I actually try to sleep to prevent myself from getting lack of sleep. MAybe that's the reason why you come late everyday.
I mean. I bet when I receive your work, it's gonna be damn_____. Just like the one you did last time. Oh and guess what? Your file contains virus. Sucks for you.
Why am I the only one in the group who can convert video files.
Do the Banana Dance!
-shakes- -shakes-
Oh, I've GOT to make a Joker Vector. It's so damn cool. Now only if I can find the time...
EDIT: Hahahaha we're so screwed. I knew that the art project you were about to send me is gonna be crapped up. Hahaha. I'm so gonna fail art.
Why are we laughing?~