Ok lol.
Around None of the people who reads my blog knows I'm a Dragonball junkie. I spend so much time playing the game these days that I think I know more lines from the game rather than lines I'm supposed to remember. A.k.a lyrics. I hate your kind, lyrics. I hope you choke and die so that I don't have to memorize you anymore. No, let's take a simpler step and just STEP DOWN AS THE LEAD SINGER ALREADY ALIF.
Ok I digressed a bit. So I was reading Kenneth Chiang's blog (link at the bottom of the blog or something) and saw him photoshopping a lightsaber. Then I thought "Why don't I do KameHameHa?". So there it is. Oh, it's kind of a small scale version. Considering that it is 1:11 AM RIGHT NOW AND I JUST DRANK THREE CUPS OF TEA.
So there it is. My cup, my phone, a bunch of tissues and a lamely photoshopped Kamehameha.
EDIT: After seeing it for the 15th time, I finally conclude that it looks more like a rasengan rather than a kamehameha charging.
EDITEDIT: Oh, I made another one. This one a much proper kamehameha