This picture is Epic Win.
Vote for NOBODY
NOBODY will keep election promises.
NOBODY will listen to your concerns.
NOBODY will help the poor and unemployed.
NOBODY cares!
If NOBODY is elected, things will be better for everyone NOBODY TELLS THE TRUTH.
I don't know why I like to post pictures so much. Maybe since I discovered the "add an image from the web" button, I figured that I didn't need to save the pictures to my computer.
Have you ever wanted to know why nobody reads your blog?
written by a man dressed in Drag
I don't usually write philosophical like this. If you want to see philosophical, here's the perfect place to go to. Trust me there are LOADS of those thoughts of life that even a complex organism like me never even considered.
To find out what makes a blogpost more favored than another, first I must start with myself. I usually visit Choir Member's blog and someotherpersonI'mkindastalkingsoIdon'twantthatpersontoknowi'mreadingtheirblog's blog. I usually skip:
- UnParagraphed and Super long posts
- Whiny posts
- Depressive talks that only talks about themselves
- Things I'm not interested in
- Bad Language (As in Grammar and Spelling)
- A lot of abbreviations (Lol, lmao and btw is alright but things like dun or hav is not)
- Song lyrics
- Diss posts
- MSN chat copies.
- Poetic Posts (Urgh!)
- Pictures
- Posts that involves me/mentions me
- Good Grammar and spelling (And not by spellchecks!)
- Humor/Light hearted posts
- Brief conversations
- Things of Similar interest
- Positive posts (But not TOO positive)
If you mention someone in your blogpost, the reader would feel kinda' special in a way. But only when you are in a neutral or positive in that mention. If you were dissing that person of course it would only drive them away. Maybe that feeling appeared because you knew that that person acknowledges you and that now your name is displayed out to his or her friends.
Posts with pictures also attracts attention because it gives the reader visual stimuli, especially if the picture is funny or special. But there is a limit to what kind of picture that actually interest the reader. Statistical graphs about their blogs are good examples of these. This blog is an example of one with frequent (good) pictures posts.
First impression matters. If your blog's skin is horribly done, it would impact the chance of the potential readers to read your whole post. Not really the graphics but the layout problems such as small posting space. Here's an example (Alex's blog). Oh and music counts as first impression too. Auto playing music is a reader's worst enemy, even if the song is their favorite. Hidden music players is even worse. There is this one time I went to a blog for the first time and there was this music playing but I couldn't find the music player. Naturally, I closed the tab \:
One of the blog that gave me a good first impression was this one.
And here's one that looked boring at first but was interesting when you actually read it.
You need publicity to get people to actually KNOW you exist. Go to blogs and say "link" or advertise creatively or ask your friend to ask their readers to visit your blog. Best way is to contact your target audience directly and ask them to read you blog.
Language is important. Language defines what rank you are at in the blogging universe. if u pst smth like dis, most prolly ppl wun read ur psts. Or maybe you aciddentally spalled soemthing worngly, poepl wont' read yuor blog. Being good in spelling and grammar makes it easier to read. There is a reason why big websites don't use abbreviations on most occasion, rite? Irregardless (inside joke) of what state of mind you're in, make sure you know the difference between your and you're. Here's one with good language youse (with occasional singlish for impact).
Blogging is like fishing. You cast your line every day, but you don't know how many fishes you would get. Blogging daily and on time gives you more chance of grabbing a reader. NOBODY wants to read a post that is like, what, 3 weeks old. And don't disappoint your usual readers. You WILL gain some and lose some in the process but when you're dead, there are some who stick with you to the end. So these frequent readers of your blog would be disappointed if you didn't post for a day. But sometimes you may want to surprise them and take a break 'cause when you post again, they will be relieved subconsciously. Routine poster: here.
Last but not least in this part one is the pop culture reference. Pop stands for popular, so pop culture means popular culture. The internet LOVES pop culture. Proof? Viral videos everywhere, LOLCATS, wikipedia parody and Celebrity blogs. If you manage to pin down what your readers and other readers like, you might just be one of the greater blogger in the community. Also, most people who blogs would have already known at least 25% of the viral videos that the writer wrote. Why do you think Perez Hilton got famous?

I shall write in two parts because I would be a hypocrite if I didn't :D
That took me quite a long time to write. I may not be the perfect blogger but at least I can blog.