My class's L1R5 is 24.2. Which is 11 points away from 3A's 13 points. Long way to go, considering that my SinQn number techniques for answering MCQs got me quite a large number of points (PHY-20 BIO-21 CHEM-27) for MCQ.
Anyway, opened a new deviantart page. For those of you who have dA accounts, drop me a comment and make me look popular! MisterZipper.
Well, I made the account because there is no way to
Anyway I'm going off to Pekanbaru from the 30th may to 2nd of June.
Ok for fun, I play this online poker game on facebook. I don't have any idea how to play or even the rules. Didn't bother reading it. But since i'm a really lucky man, I got like 200 000+ points or chips or whatever you call it. So luck really do matter. Anyway if I wasn't lazy, I'd have done a Jonteo-style post about luck but I AM lazy. So heck.