Really lazy to post, and I'm supposed to be doing physics right now. So here's a piece of mind.
Advertising plays a large part in a company's success and especially in the food company. Also so as not to waste money, the advertising done must be good and eye catching, possibly a catchy tune on tv (like the five dollar footlong from subway). So smart companies have been devising a way to attract attention to a particular product and accentuating what's so good about it (reduced price, new method of cooking). So here are a group of people assigned to make an ad about Burger King's new product, the new long sandwich. What can they do?
So they narrow down their options. A song? Nah, subway's already done that. Hmm.. an action figure? No, too McDonalds. What about an ad on tv that shows how it's made and how it's really 'fresh'. Nah, too KFC. So they cancelled out those options. One of the people in the group strikes an idea. What is popular?
Now they thought and they thought, and one person finally said. "Sex sells". As the fast food market in Singapore is mostly attended by teenagers, they decided that this was a smart idea. So they bumped up the burger from a 10 cm burger to a 7 incher. Since you know...some things are 7 inch long. Insert a few words such as "Long" and "juicy" and add a supposedly innocent "It'll BLOW your mind away", to get past the media authority. And bam! The Super Seven Incher is born. Wait. Something's missing though...
Ah yes since sex sells, why not add a hot girl donned like a prostitute. Give her a surprised look to show how long that thing, I mean burger, is. Yeah that'd be perfect. Oh and don't show where the burger's coming from nudgenudge winkwink.
And that is how seemingly "innocent" advertisments and products can be turned into vicious images that promotes the activity of obtaining pleasure orally.
Yummy. Shows how horny Singapore is.
EDIT: I was random surfing just now, and it seems that agrees that it's a bit obvious.