Locals hitting on a tourist.
Prac today was okay. Pasigin is quite a nice song to listen to, but a hell to sing. It's even worse than pokpok! I mean at first sight. Now pokpok is damn fun to sing. And singing it while you can't drink is hell too. I mean with all the high notes and all. Grr.
Geez these days I'm so packeed. I just want to sleep at home. Hadn't had a free da- fine there was tuesday but I spent the whole day playing winning eleven instead of sleeping so heckk. Hmm hmm. Tomorrow there is EMD practice and normal prac on saturday. Ooh cool I'll sleep on sunday. Hm sunday's cool.
Okay it's 8 pm and I haven't taken a bath. Shouldn't procrastinate.
I'll take a bath at 8.30. Yeah. Cool.