My last week here in Sing a pore before I leave for holiday whoosh. On the 12th. It's been fun whee.
So Rifdi brought his D90 to Tenor one on ones yesterday and I was using it more than him.
zomg you all should see this sequence of images where he was flailing his arms around. Yes rifdi I want my GIF now please.
And then there was this 3 hours of unproductivity and switching handphones in the library with Rachall. Writing in moleskines are much funner than doing homework I guess. AT LEAST I FINISHED MY CHEM.
TODAY. Was awesome. Finished La peregrinacisuperhighnotesong during prac today. Then Jing Ye, Chii Lek, Jonphua, Johnlee and I went to seoul garden. Hendrik pangseh-ed us to go with the basses (WHICH HE LATER REGRETTED) so we met gerald in bedok MRT. Then dum dee dum insert long train ride to bugis here and we reached seoul garden! Such awesome food for 14.10. Ya I know that's a lot of money BUT the fun was worth it. Johnlee and I filled up our space with meat like somewhere between three to four times. Made jokes about Jonphua's dietary restriction so fun haha. Then we tried to find our way to marina square to crash bass outing. Took 12 and realized it doesn't go there. Then Jonphua made us stop at raffles place MRT and walk all the way there ugh.
TOOK PICTURES of the statues along the river. We placed jingye's bag on the statue's arms hahaha. and headphones on the chinese guy statue. While all these mischief is happening Gerald, the carebear with two lives left, ran away from us. Then he got lost and ended up in Ion in Orchard. Hahahahaha.
Met the Basses in the bowling alley in marina square, which ttly sucked. lanes super dry and stuff so I gave up after throwing one ball. AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN WE WATCHED NIU MOON.
Hendrik, Jonhlee and I decided to insert 'that's what she said's into appropriate moments. First few minutes there were like 3 moments haha. SO MANY CHEESY LINES. I have never watched anything with that many lines of cheese. I swear they could've made some love song lyrics with those lines. Hendrik was SMSing his girlfriend the entire movie har har.
Had stomachache near the end of the movie so I missed the last part. After the movie we stood like 20 minutes outside the bathroom making fun of New Moon and Yaosheng. Hahahaha.
NICKLIM JUST BOUGHT ROYAL ROAD TO CARD MAGIC. Not cool. I don't wanna partner up with him Idon'tidon't. It took him this long to learn the overhand shuffle. ah well I'm gonna go teach him tomorrow while going to penin to accompany Ryan buy his straps. I haven't touched my cards since alex left. I shouldstart again.
ISG and Auditions for solo parts in Big River is next week. Goodbye solo part.