Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Rhapsody is here.

The Great-Long-Awaited-Amazingly-Grand-And-Tiring Rapehapsody is here

Alright so the practices (sp?) on the last few weeks has been really heavy. But not really compared to last year's pre-SYF practices. Not that I want it to be more frequent but looking back on the days when Sherman (Yuen, Duh) Ruled the "Grand Piano", there were daily morning practices (bleh) and we used to sing over the national anthem haha. There are really a lot of things in everybody's minds.

I really hate the cancellation of the tie and coat. 'Cause it's really surprising that they cancelled it on the last minute. Could've told us before we bought 'em. Meh.

Hao Yang was caught downloading torrent. In the school computer. How smart.
If I'm not wrong, he's going to pay a certain amount of fine.
Funnily, his dad is the PSG Chairman.
Who is the GOH for Rhapsody.

Epic Phail.

So now he's a victorrent.

During sports day last friday, I made a new song.
After hearing Justin's "Jia Rong Changes Everything", I decided to make...

Kallang Will Scare Everyone

Ka-Llang Will Scare Everyone
If you see us
Run Away

Ka-Llang is winning everything
Although we all
Cannot run.

Ka-Llang Can win the Sports Day
Although it will take like forever

that's all I've got XD

My mom is considering getting a new phone.