Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Geography Project!


Lmfao I hate working.

So I must finish this drawing AND a video by tomorrow.
I think I'm not going school tomorrow, just go choir. Dunno, the morning is always the hardest.


OMBob is still down, and I can't find anywhere for Extremely rude jokes and quotes. ARGH

Fine the (As Uncyclopedia said, the Bash for Web 2.0) also has those things, but it's not bash. It looks too nice.

Here's some from Qftw
A: windows is being a bitch >_<
B: Install Linux.
A: no. i use windows for all my work
B: Linux would be better for that.
A: besides, i like being able to play a game or two
B: Linux has games.
A: im not getting linux. windows has great support, ill have this fixed in no time
B: Linux has better support.
A: if you say "linux" one more time, im gonna send you a virus
B: Good fu*king luck. I'm on Linux.

(EDIT: For some reason, their names didn't appear when I C/Ped. So I used A and B)

For all of you normal people, this is a geek joke, don't try to understand.


madskz: i' tried ass f***
takefive: Ahaha
takefive: wait, why?
madskz: what??
madskz: oh Sh-
madskz: *i'm tired as fu**

Censored for your pleasure

I miss Bash