You know recently with this halloween coming, I'm seeing a hell lot of zombie stuff in the net. Especially on Cracked.com They were posting zombie stuff like crazy. I think it's not fair. Zombies are cool, you know but give those vampires a little love. Oh, oh and the pirates too...
Dammit No one's reading my blog anymore.
or else, this will soon be you.

2008 SA2 Test results
Mother Tongue: 58.5/80 (A1)
Chemistry: 26/35 (A2)
Biology: 27/35 (A1)
Physics: 28/35 (A1)
English: 32/50 (B4)
Geography: 53/80 (B3)
Art: 60/100 (B4)
Home Economics: 74/100 (A2)
Lmfao somehow, I have 3 Bs in here. I did the best in class for mother tongue but sadly my sucky marks for my daily work pulled me down like ALOT.
I think The makers of the Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal are geniuses. Just like the people who make Cyanide & Happiness.
But less safe for work.
I mean it's not their art that's really special. They have a special style you know. Everyone's got a special style. Their's is the caption at the bottom of the comic. They have that a lot.

Whoever didn't get that must be a robot drone who does not have emotions installed into their system.
I went to ACJC just now for some ASEAN talk. It was really a talk about the ASEAN community by the Secretary guy of ASEAN. Erm If I can remember his name it's...Surin Pitsuwan. What appaled me was: The classes that got chosen to go were sports classes or in my case, half sport class. 2G and my class were half sports class and 1F and 3B was full sports. I don't know why the hell did they choose these classes for an ASEAN class.
So there was this like quiz thingy where 3 represantative of each school (ACJC, Cedar Girls and VS) have to answer ASEAN-related questions. VS was totally OWNED. Like, in the first half, they were like losing by 20 points to everyone but the second half they were only behind by 10 points. Lmfao.
Oh and while waiting to go into the auditorium (which was COLD), I managed to collect jokes from people (and myself).
[Sameer]: Why are the X-Men all gay
[Me]: Why?
[Sameer]: Because they were EX men.
I tried to pull it off but they thought jokes I told was lame, so I tricked them.
Oh I got this from Friends
[Me]: Hey, Thishanth, wanna play the shadow game?
[Thishanth]: What shadow game?
[Me]: What shadow game?
[Thishanth]: Huh?
[Me]: Huh?
and so on.
That was Fifty percent skill and Zero percent dignity.
Oh and Thishanth was like, rating girls so he told me to tell him if I saw any nice one.
[Me]: Thishanth, Three o' clock (you know, East)
[Thishanth]: -Looks at watch- Huh whaddavack? Three o' clock?
[Alex]: The direction lah you dong.
Oh and then Alex cracked a joke.
[Guy 1]: "Enemies approaching at two o' clock"
[Guy 2]: " So what do we do until then?"
Oh and the Unisex joke from Friends
I shall tell it like I remember it.
[Rachel]: It's Unisex (talking about a bag)
[Joey]: No YOU need sex
[Rachel]: No, Joey, U-N-I sex
You just don't get it.
Now I'm angry...