"So better run quick"
Sometime ago, the principal mentioned about stealing. That quote above was said after a boy was reported stealing and the boy told him. And that lame joke afterward was made by yours truly, while pretending to cough but was muttering those four words softly to Thishanth right beside me.
I think stealing is a bad thing you know. I mean, how desperate must you be to take something that is not yours. Dude, just wait one day and rob. Robbing is different from stealing. Stealing, like how its name sounds like, is stealthy. Robbing, without any relation to its name, is loud and usually involves guns and plans that takes days to figure out. That, my dear, is the difference between robbing and stealing.
Have you realized that I sounded serious? I sound serious, but I'm not. Just like this guy. Talking about stealing, I had this thought today. If somebody offer you something "free", don't you feel like taking everything? Like, "Here's some pie. Take it. It's free". FOR GOODNESS SAKE IT'S PIE. But your manners and the etiquette they taught you in school made you take one and say "Thank You". If I were you, I would take that pie and hide in a corner of some slum. THEN we'll eat it. While feeding the rats. Don't you feel good after doing a good deed?
I don't know why but I'm posting a lot of words in a paragraph today. Ok nevermind. So my mom forced me to go to IKEA with her and the family. I don't really like shopping for furnitures cause as long as it feels good, it's good. Now slowly drift away from your sick thoughts and get back to reading my blog. So in IKEA you get these forms and measuring tapes and pencils and everything right? Well so I was bored and decided to grab a pencil on every two posts that I see. You see, that's not really stealing. It's more of a, taking more than you need kind of thing you know?
So I was taking pencils one by one while humming the James Bond theme. Trust me it REALLY REALLY helps. Kinda makes the whole situation more spy-ish. Those semitone transitions is really heavenly.
The result?

which means 20 posts.
Actually there are more than that but those staffs were huge and scary so I decided to hide and stop humming.
It's not stealing, it's reducing resources!
Oh and after that, I went to the toilet and see whether the staff were as dumb as the ones Obama has.
So I pretended to call someone and ask for their number. And asked for a pencil from the cashier. Sure enough, they gave me. Around 5 minutes later, I did it again. And they gave me two. Lmfao. Of course I returned those. I don't want a pencil wet with water I just used to wash my hands in my pocket.
Somebody give me a bucket.
I have this sudden urge to write a review.
But I think I'll delay it. What's the worst that could happen if I keep on procrastinating like this? Nothing. Right?....