I might change my skin soon so yay.
I was searching for Dragonforce music vids on youtube. And then I saw their live performance and they SUCK. SUCKSUCKSUCKSUCKSUCKS IT SUCKS TO BE THEM.
I mean, come on, they are like always out of tune and the so called 'harmonies' sounded more like cats fighting over a piece of fish. Literally.
And they tried (and failed) to cover it up by Artificial Harmonics and Wahs but NOOO LOSERRS.
No offense hohoho. But their studio is really cool, so I'd stick with their videos.
Here are some Animated (and not) GIFs I made when I'm bored.
Meh, I don't know why. I just don't like girls who are like, super girly. Like those kind of people everywhere-must-go-in-pink and screams at every sight of insects or dirt. It's just disgusting urghhhhh.
Why am I talking about that?
I don't know, the thought came to me when I was on the MRT.
The MRT is cool you know. It travels in a straight track. Just straight on with some curves on the way. But somehow, a lot of people ride it.
Gah nevermind, the fever's really getting me.
Ever since I got divorced, I never found true love. That broke my heart so much I am now unable to love. :(
Until Now :D. I have found my perfect women. Her Voice is as sweet as an angel's and her looks and body are perfect. I wanna caress her all over and play with her everyday <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://www.allaboutfender.com/images/telecaster.jpg">

You actually believed that?
Arghh. I've always wanted a tele. When I bought my first Electric guitar, I had to choose between a(n imitation) Les Paul and a(n imitation) Telecaster. Being a total MCRnerd I was, I picked les paul.
But I wannawanna telee.
Anyone rich enough to spare me a few thousand bucks, call me at 1-800-Fish-You (1-800-3474-968)
I shall blog more tomorrow. For the General now needs to submit this before 11:11 is over.