Nah let's not. I'll let the professionals do all the dirty jobs. Talking about dirty jobs...
Here's what I saw on
Us people should feel really lucky. Would you wanna do that? Help a cow lactate by blowing into its A-Hole? Yeah, right. IT'S FRIGGING DISGUSTING. But without it, we'll have no steak. So thank those kids who help your future dinner grow up by blowing into their mothers...forget it.
Oh, I just got my new Fad-oh-Rah. Fedora. lol. Here's a picture. Or pictures. If you're a grammarwhore like me.
Good Morning Sir. I'm glad you didn't shred me to bits today.

Kewl huh.
Dude remember that day I told you about buying another book? "That's B*ll*cks!". It's a really cool book. Just like but publicised. Here's one of my favorite stories in there...
Quite cool huh? Only a smart person could pull that off. Hahaha.
Well it's quite late so I better get sleeping. Lol. Kbb :D
Dude remember that day I told you about buying another book? "That's B*ll*cks!". It's a really cool book. Just like but publicised. Here's one of my favorite stories in there...
An American lawyer was given a box of twenty-four rare and expensive Cuban Cigars by a grateful client and made sure they were included in his insurance policy, which covered flood, fire and theft. Within a few months, he had smoked all of the cigars and then made a cheeky claim on his insurance, maintaining they had been 'lost in a series of small fires'.
The insurance company refused to pay, for obvious reasons, but the lawyer, having read through the terms and conditions of his policy, took them to court. It seems he was the only person not to be surprised when he won his case: despite the judge agreeing with the insurance company that the claim was tenuous, he still ruled the policy did indeed cover small fires. Faced with an expensive appeal process, which they were in no way certain of winning, the insurance company accepted the ruling and agreed to a compensation payment of $15,000 to the lawyer
However, immediately after the payment had been accepted, the insurance company had the lawyer arrested on twenty-four counts of arson and he was later convicted on his own evidence of intentionally burning his own property and sentenced to twenty-four months in prison and a $24,000 fine.
Quite cool huh? Only a smart person could pull that off. Hahaha.
Well it's quite late so I better get sleeping. Lol. Kbb :D