Ok here's the weird google search to my blog of the day: Toxcroak.
Apparently, "Ribeirão Prêto, Sao Paulo arrived" arrived on my blog searching for toxcroak. (Here's the page he landed on btw.)
This proves that Brazilians are attracted to my blog.
Not really.
The other one who came close to the Toxcroak search is a Singaporean on Mac and Safari searching for Felicia Chin. And came to my blog.
I was reading an article in the Straits Times. Apparently this famous actor Tay something has greying hair, which he said was hereditary. So a weird thought came to my mind.
What will the future (of my head) look like?
Ok so my mum's hair doesn't fall off easily but like 50% of it is white.
My dad's hair on the other hand, falls like autumn leaves but he only have one white hair and for some peculiar reason, it's on his beard.
So here it is
#4. My hair falls and turns white.
This is like the worst of the worst, I have no more hair and the only ones I have is white. So my head isn't shiny or manly. Also, it adds to the age. Just by the looks, just by the looks, guess how old your Grandpa is. I bet you don't know.
Well, if you're a hardcore motorbike fan, you could call your hair "Chrome" and boast how your head's a high quality bike.

#3. My Hair Turns White, But Stays Intact
Look, you're around your golden age, 65 around there. You'd have grandkids. Your grandkids, who inherits your rudeness, WILL call you "White Hair", "Oldie" and "White Horse", referring to your 2009 SYF Set piece. Also, it's the most common sign of aging, besides wrinkled.
You can make a lot of jokes about white horses. Or you could cut it short and look like Gerard Way on his Black Parade album. Rawr.
HAIRSTYLE MADE FAMOUS BY: Harrison Ford. You know, Indiana Jones and Han Solo. Though not FULLY white, it will be when the Indiana Jones movies stop coming out.

#2. My Hair drops out, but if there are any, it's black.
Alright, you're bald. You're bald. That's it. You don't have hair. The top of your head is as smooth as a baby's butt. Also, there is also a risk of getting blind when looking at your head, since it reflects so much sunlight. Jokes about Fallout Hair will occasionally be heard.
Hormonal changes is one of the main cause of hair loss. More importantly, Testosterone converted by enzymes in the prostate glands causes baldness. So if you add it up, it kinda says BALD MEN ARE MANLIER THAN PEOPLE WITH HAIR (on their head).
HAIRSTYLE MADE FAMOUS BY: Yu Xiao Xiang @ Myo Min Naing. Oh, a REAL famous person? BILLY CORGAN from the Smashing pumpkins. You know, the guy who looks like Gerard Way. Well, when he had hair anyway. Oh and if you say he looks young, He's born on the same year as my dad, 1967.

#1. My Hair Stays the Way it is.
You'll be the young leaf in the community. All your friends would show their pride and joy—their baldness and white hair—while you are still in your full bloom. Your hair stays in its original color, showing no sign of aging whatsoever. Your bald friends will say that you're not a real man (if you're a guy) and your grey haired friends will give you jealous looks (if you're a girl).
You're popular with the kids. Also, you can tell friends that mock you that you will live longer, cause your hair is still the same as when you're 23, although you know you won't.
HAIRSTYLE MADE FAMOUS BY: Slash. Well, he might not be THAT old, but older than my dad, who's balding, is old. (1965). Oh and in his case, when I say full bloom, I really mean fully bloomed.

Well, that concludes my post for today. As you see, it's been posted in a list, cracked style. If you want more lists, go to cracked or go into my archives, I have a few!
Tomorrow's checklist:
- Jamming
- Homework aaaaand
- Left 4 Dead Review.
Have fun >D