Sunday, October 19, 2008


You know what I hate most?
Not finding the right word to use.

I was about to write ridiculousinism, but sadly it's not a real word. But what the heck.

You know what's so ridiculousinismistic about my blog? 25 of the visitor in the past day (25/40) came from a single google search. You know what they searched? Phineas Ferb. Guess which countries they come from? Indonesia, France, Chile, Norway, US and Italy. Omfg great now little foreign kids read my blog just cause I did a guitar cover for Phineas and Ferb.

That is total ridiculousinismismistilyness.
If that is a real word.

you know what's cool a bout ridiculousinismismistilyness? Firefox's spell check doesn't think it's wrong cause it's so damn wrong and doesn't mean a thing. I hate spell checks 'cause it doesn't cancel out long and wrong words like ridiculousinismismistilyness or nonsencicalisticisimmallysymphonications.

That was pure random Cr*p and I hope you enjoyed it.
