Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ttly fr srsly

I never get Aaron's metaphors.

lmfao random


You see that phineas and ferb cover down there at the previous post? Apparently, it's got a comment by one of the 'creator' accounts on youtube. You know one of those account that people made just to waste a perfectly good screenname / to get through age verification limit so that they could do totally immoral things? (You go to his page and see the 'About Me' Section. It reads:"I'm 14, not 28". Oh, yeah it's SO easy to make a mistake in the registering process)Totally unrelated picture

Yeah, sadly the vid only got 40 views in 1 day, which is kinda sad. D:


I've been watching friends too much lately. You know, grab a cuppa tea and sit in front of the computer and watch the videos your dad bought last night before he even get to open it from the casing? No I don't do that. Well, not on purpose that is. Now I'm watching like random seasons, now at season seven.

Here's a proof that I've been watching a lot.Self Portrait: 18th October 2008

No, I'm serious. That is what my belly button looks like.


So here's a clips from season aide (Which I'm currently looking at). 8D

[Rachel]:And we did not watch Dr. Domealittle
[Joey]:*Facial appearance changes*I was told the name of the movie would not appear in the bill.

Lol LeBlanc's acting is like damn cool lor. I bet he could defeat any guy in an acting contest.