Monday, December 15, 2008


American rock and roll band.

Went jamming for the last time today before the show. Tried out the acoustic versions of the songs. I think Face Down is the best to play acoustic. My heroine is damn hard to co ordinate and boulevard is really repetitive. The river is way too high to sing. Should I sing desert song and replace good riddance with that song? But it isn't nice without a solo.


I realized we have more confidence in what we are used to do. When doing something new, there is always a fear of messing up, even if it's easier. Especially when someone's watching. But someone watching isn't the least of my problem. At least it shouldn't be. Not when there will be 300 people watching us play.

When we played the normal (rock, with drums) version of the songs, we did it much better. My audience was visibly happier with that version. Arrrgh. Oh well, Thishanth's mum said that if this performance is good, they'll let us play with a full band next year. Yip!
Before Jamming, I went out to eat in Banquet with likeen and K.Chiang. The latter followed me 'cause I owe him threefifty. Were talking about come go with me. Hahaha nice song. Although all we sing is doms, dums, bes, was and oo shoo be du bops. Tenors got all the nice singing. Oh and the Banquet musical.

"Never buy bandung, Oh it's frothy"
Lol fun time.

Wop wop wop.

What should I wear to the show? Should I go sharp dressed?