Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I can think of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, it was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
Yip! I memorized it.
Last year's first of December...
So yesterday was fun. I get to do whatI wanted to do. PERFORMZomg look at the spelling mistakes.
So I was actually asked to be sort of like an opening act for my friend's band who was going to perform that day. SO me and my *temporary* band decided to bring teenagers. So we have two guitarist and a drummer (NO BASSS. So we sounded weird) I was of course *AHEM* playing the guitar and singing (FRERARD XD) And playing frank's part and the solo on the guitar (FRAY. Hehe I love word puns). Weirdly, the mike stand keeps on dropping and I had to hod onto it almost half the show.
BEfore that, I was warming up and payed basket case and sang it for fun then my friend's drummer started playing So it was quite....surprising XD.
So that was the third funnest day f my life.
everytime I look back to dA, memories, bad ones, started to fly back. I really hate it. But that's alright I'm all over it. I Don't Love You. ;)
Talking about dA, let me showcase (AHEMAHEMshowoffAHEMAHEM) past year's works...
The good ol' days.
All by me, duh.
Stuff are according to date. From oldest to newest. The old ones were from my Manga-filled days. To the more recent My Chem stuff.. With special comments from me and the story behind each artwork.

ICHIGO SPLASH- 12 July 2006
C4D | Splash | Manga
One of my earliest work. I remember I made this just after I quitted N-k 'cause it merged with some other Naruto RPG forum. The members were overflowing and not to mention rude. But this is still my favorite work. One of my first C4D works after being told its magic by T3 sensei
Kazekage - 18 July 2006
Coloring | Manga
Colored This. In my whole time in dA, I colored. There will be a few more coloring stuff later on. I also added the text. I also did an embarrassing thing with this work that I shall not say it here. Ask me personally. Also ask for my phone number-I'm desperate.

ODDITY-28 December 2006
Edit | Manga
Ahh this one. If I'm not wrong, this was Part two of the Abstract Works series. I regretted putting those technical brushes on it. Was experimenting with brushes that time. I put it here 'cause this is one of my only works that features more than 3 colors ¬.¬

DISTORTION-6 August 2006
Sig | Manga
Geez, I have a lot of Manga works last last year. This sig was made adter I didn't do anything for a long time. Like 2 weeks. Yes, sirs, I WAS That active. Get up, lazy bum! Oh the font is 28 days later, you know, the movie.

NOTE: The image is too big, I know. But if I want to finish this before dinner, I must do it quick and you know they're pushy about dinner D:
SANJItohatsuki-1st January 2007
Coloring | Manga | Friend
Happy New year! New year's present to lilmaxx, who drew the picture. I colored it. teehee. One of my favorite coloring pictures, especially with the transparent background. His first comment on this picture was: "You missed a spot under his right arm :)". lol. Oh and Lilmaxx now draws pr0n. So if you are *ing to one of those dirty comics, it might be his work. ;D

FUUTON-January 28 2007
Sig | Manga
MOSAIC ABUSE!! Haha. T3 Sensei (Now suffering in college) was like "Nice mosaic abuse". I remember at that time he said Make the Rasengan Closer to the fuuton and i was like "Why?" But now I totally agree. Oh and it's a no-border! Made this when naruto fused the wind element into his Rasengan. I think.

Coloring | Friend
Ah this one. One of my last attempts to color. This is what happens when you do something half-heartedly - PHAIL.

SAMUSARAN-February 4 2007
This is arguably the best sig I've ever done. I like it 'cause it's so simple. It's only made out of two image-The Samus aran image and the background. The Background is actually a character (which I forgot) from another game. Look closely on the top right of the Signature and you'll see an african-american's face. With dreadlocks. Samus's "Blast" is actually from that guy. And as T3 sensei said-I should've added a border.

VENGEANCE-31 July 2007
Made this after a flight back home to Singapore. On Singapore airline's interactive thingy, I watched ghawst Raida'. And it was cool. This is when I started to use double color borders. A funny story behind this sig is that I used it at a forum my friend invited me to which just recently started. Most, no, ALL of the users at that time were Female. And one of them was like "Let's beat him up, that sig is scary" And that joke went on. "You're scaring xxxx, I'll make a scarier sig". Good times.

MIKEY WAY-1 August 2007
My Chem | SplashY-
Turning point for my chem. My first my chem work. Mosaic abuse again. :D

My Chem | Splash
Made it after I joined MCRmy. Quite cool huh ;D

TELL ME I'M A NINJA-27 August 2007
My Chem | Comics
Second M.C.R comic. I was sued after the third comic so I had to stop it. I got inspired after Gerard was singing House of Wolves on the Halloween show and "Tell me I'm an Angel" sounds like tell me I'm a ninja. I like Gerard's expression on the bottom. 8D

My Chem | Comics
The last M.C.R comic. Got sued when this came out. Got the inspiration from Den's comic "Contagious smile" where Mikey beats Gee in a smiling contest. And the frowning is from drawing. Try drawing someone frowning, you'll frown too. :D

MAMA-27 August 2007
My Chem | Comics
Teehee. Made an original comic after that M.C.R comic. The quote is from Mr. Hamilton. He was like "Attention. My mother, was a belly dancer" During english. Hahaha. Oh and that one time he shouted S*X to get attention. :D

NO UNDERWEAR-27 October 2007
My Chem | Comics
teehee. This is from the Youtube vid. Here's The whole quote
[G]: I know something you dont
[Audience]: -cheers-
[G]: And that is, I'm not wearing any underwear
[12 year old girls]: -Faints in ecstasy-
Yeh, lame jokes FTW

REAL JEDI USES...-29 October 2007
Inside joke with my friend. So in a distant galaxy, Anakin uses a Pink lightsaber, a pink tutu and likes Llamas.

SCREWING THE WORLD-29 October 2007
Friend | Comics
For Chocoreaper's contest. With this entry, I won the 'Funniest entry" Prize and got a hand-drawn comic by her. Teehee. Oh and the "I thought I was too literal" Joke is an inside joke. The one saying it (MxCxS) made another comic with her painting a shoe black and returning it to the store. Just because of Welcome to The Black Parade's "Take it black and paint it black" lyric.
And finally...

HEAVEN HELP US-12 February 2008
Friend | My Chem | Comic
For Putrithewicked's contest. I get lots of woos for this thing. It was my last real artwork in dA before I left abruptly 'cause of a wunderfal breakup. D;. But this is still my favorite work. Oh, there is a follow-up art but you must find it yourself ;)
Well that was a LONG post. So i shall sign off.