Playing music nonstop today!. Played like all the song on my itunes since like 5+. I love Smashing Pumpkins. What's new. Foo Fighter is awesome. What's new.
Ah so me and Rifdi were talking about how each band makes us think of something, like Smashing Pumpkin's chorus sounding like summer or Aerosmith sounding like an warm autumn ballad despite the screaming. It's really fun coming up with these kinds of stuff.
Gosh I am bored.
Oh yeah went to Marine Parade town centre for service learning today. Some carnival thing. The class helped out the people take the elderly's height and weight, do surveys, and teach them how to play wii. Hahaha. Me and Nick Lim were running around taking pictures, fighting to see who should stay at the stall and take pictures of the elderly who wants their picture taken. They gave out hokkien noodles after they played wii bowling! How awesome is that. Yeah so there was this magician guy, he's really awesome. Haha saw the ping pong ball when he tenkai-ed it. And now I know how to multiply ping pong balls ;). Gimmicks! Yeah then there was this guy who went to take his picture twice 'cause he forgot that he took it the first time. Old age is a scary thing.
Oh yeah then SM Goh Chok Tong came! Took pictures of him and the toilet lady. Then he passed by our wii thing and tried it out. TING YAO GOT A PHOTO WITH HIM AND THE SM TOOK THE PHOTO HOME. He's so famous lah. I mean ting yao. Then there was this policeman who looked like Zuraimi. Hahaha.
Anyway photos for that event is up on facebook!
Alif Keenan

Create Your Badge
I was bored.. so Sharmain sent me a link. It was pure win.