Ok gonna blog about something funny and then quit until end of exams. Since I left all my geog notes at school, I'm supposed to make one.
People come to my blog searching weird stuff.
Here are a list of searched terms that ends people up on my blog, according to frequency.
1. LIVE YOUR LIFE BLOGSPOTOk if somebody searched this, means that they know my blog exists, but doesn't remember its name. To that certain stranger, HI!
2. THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY SPACEBOY FIGURE FLICKRMost prolly came here through google image search and ended up on the Spaceboy sig I made months ago.
3. RIFDI VJC I laughed. Hahaha.
4. AUTOMASTURBATENow THIS creeped me out. I have never talked about self pleasure or mentioned the word before I think. Weird. And the worst part is that they ended up on MY blog. I don't know why not some Marilyn Manson fansite?
The new hype about the How well Do you know me quiz has gotten into me. Made a quiz and a lot of people fared badly. Actually I think this quiz is to know more about the person, seeing the answers and all.
Here's what I realized about the people who took my quiz:
- Most, if not all, of my Classmates from 3J thinks that I'm in Soprano ('Cause that's the only section they know x_x)
- People who's not from my school scarily knows my class (i.e: Rifdi's lover)
- 95% of the people think that I hate chemistry and all things related to it.
- My questions are too easy
- People who I don't talk to a lot think that my favorite band is My Chem. Well, it was.
- Half the people think I like to hang out at Banquet, Which is a ridiculous idea. (I just eat there)
- Besides The correct answer, people like to say I'm bummed 'cause I can't play PS3, which is untrue, and I COULD play PS3.
Here's the Rankings and my relationship to that person:
12%Athanasius Koh (Junior, CCA)
37%Nicolas How (Classmate 3J)
Joshua Lim (Classmate, Mentari)
Marcus Quek (Schoolmate, VS)
Bobo Tan (Classmate, 3J)
Hendrik Boerner (CCA)
Joshua Chia (SL)
Samuel Yap (Classmate, 3J)
50%Rara Djamil (dA friend)
______ (Rifdi's Girlfriend, name deleted to avoid hype)
Cedric Chua (Classmate, 3J)
Nicholas Lim (Classmate, 3J)
62%Tseng Wen-Yu (Junior, CCA)
Lim Yong Yang (Senior, CCA)
Eugene Hsu (Senior, CCA)
Brian Chiam (Junior, CCA)
Kong Jun Yin (Classmate, 3J)
Howard Chung (Classmate, 3J)
Facebook User (Wtf, some girl's private account)
75%Zameer A Husref (Classmate, Malay class)
Rifdi Bin Rosly (CCA, Classmate, Malay class)
21 people took my quiz. Turns out, people from my malay class knows me best. CCA Juniors and Seniors knows me second best, and Classmates knows me worst.
K gonna play guitar hero, See you next time and use contraceptives.