=Random title
Major headache.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I wore my coat with gol-CRACK-linings
3 words kids
-music not playing-
[JonLee] Mari Kita Rakyat singapura
Nice tenor voice man.
Haha this morning the national anthem DID NOT PLAY. So JonLee go sing solo up the stage in what he said "The Jun Yew Type of Voice". Hahaha
Haha lmfao during Geog today Ms Raksha came to our group and said
"Hey, you two look alike"
Haha another teacher who thinks me and Hao Yang look alike. Then Jun Da go say we're brothers and then say my name Hao Yi. XDD.
Oh and Mr Ng was damn funny recently
[me] Mr Ng! What are you gonna act as this saturday?
[Mr Ng] -making the sssh gesture- I don't want other teachers to know I'm acting
[Me] Haha the whole school knows already. Out! Out! You deserved it!
I'm going to the Hydrophonics farm next week.
Didn't go tuition today cause I came back from speech day rehearsal at 7+. No Just kidding. at 8 pm.
So the tuition was moved forward to saturday. D;
Haha rehearsal was Ok until Any Dream Will do. I don't know whether it's because of lack of Warm Ups or what. But during the performance I suddenly cannot sing. I mean I can la but the sound cannot come out like normal. And I stupidly go ahead and forced it and sing louder. Stupid...
Oh and those people who never smile are eediots. Must make the principal make smiley face for you first then you smile. I got smile. Retardedly. like The damn laidat smile kind of smile. Geddit?
Then Went back up and changed for Climb every mountain. Then like few minutes later ran back down. Oh Mr Wong sings damn cool. After singing once, Principal asked us to move one step down. Now on the second step.
"Oh cool, now I've got this drumstick in front of me"
Mr wong said that into the mike and it got amplified.
After the performance, Mr Wong made some comments about falling over into me and stomping me flat. And called me and lie wen and li keen cute. Now I'm scared.
I like doing the same quiz again. To see whether the answers are the same.
A - Available?: Yuhuh
A - Age: 13
A - Annoyance: People who keep bastard-ing me (*COUGHCOUGH*hendrik*COUGHCOUGH*
B - Best Friends?: FIFTY I mean Rifdi
B - Bar: Bar 33
B - Birthday?: Sept 13
C - Crush: nobody ;D
C - Car: Honda Oddysey
C - Cat: Died. All 3 of them
D - Dead Pets Name: Pompom (Rabbit)
D - Dad's Name: -------------------
D - Dog: Nope
E - Easiest person to talk to: Justin.
E - Eggs: Omelet
E - Email: n3k0._.ch4n@hotmail.com
F - Favorite color?: Alpine White & Gold.
F - Food: Brad.
F - Foreign Slang: Hokkien. FOREIGN ;D.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Gummy Bears, Cause gummy worms don't have heads.
G - God: God
G - Good Times: Dunno.
H - Hair Color: Black
H - Height: 1.67 cm.
H - Happy: :D
I - Ice Cream: Vanilla
I - Instrument: Les Paul
I - Idol: IERO
J - Jewelery: No
J - Job: Undertaker
J - Jokes: What do you mean?
K - Kids: 3.
K - Karate: No
K - Kung Fu:No
L - Love: My Chem
L - Longest Car Ride: dunno, from SF To LA
L - Lipstick or Chapstick: a what?
M - Milk Flavor: Normal
M - Mothers Name: Still alive
M - Movie Last Watched: The Dark Knight
N - Number of Siblings: 2
N - Northern or Southern: Northern
N - Name: A leaf
O - One Wish: Be ghostbuster famous
O - One Phobia?: insects
O - Otter Pop: otter poop?
P - Parents, are they married or divorced: Married
P - Part of your appearence you like best?: Dunno.Hair?
P - Part of your Personality you like best: My superpower that nobody knows of. Srsly.
Q - Quick or Slow?: Slow
Q - Queen or King?: King
R - Reason to smile: Must to. Otherwise get pumped.
R - Reality TV Show: Er. Uh. Emm. Punk'd?
R - Right or Left: Right
S - Song Last Heard: A man for all seasons
S - Season: Spring
S - Series: Series? I don't really watch TV
T - Time you woke up: 5.25
T - Time Now: 20.52
T - Time for bed: 23.00
U - Unknown: My REAL Favorite song
U - Unicorns: EXISTS.
U - You are?: Your Father
V - Vegetable you hate: erm ermerm. BABY SPINACH
V - Vegetable you love: Tomato?
V - View on Politics: Politics sucks.
W- Worst Habit: Getting a runny nose so damn often.
W- Where are you going to travel next: BATAM.
W- What's up?: Room Reveal
X - X-Ray: No Broken Bones.
Y - Year you were born: 1994
Y - Year it is now: 2008
Y - Yellow: Shirt
Z - Zoo Animal: Penguins!
Z - Zodiac: Virgo
Z - Zoolander?: what?
Take This Spike To My Heart~ ♪♫
-music not playing-
[JonLee] Mari Kita Rakyat singapura
Nice tenor voice man.
Haha this morning the national anthem DID NOT PLAY. So JonLee go sing solo up the stage in what he said "The Jun Yew Type of Voice". Hahaha
Haha lmfao during Geog today Ms Raksha came to our group and said
"Hey, you two look alike"
Haha another teacher who thinks me and Hao Yang look alike. Then Jun Da go say we're brothers and then say my name Hao Yi. XDD.
Oh and Mr Ng was damn funny recently
[me] Mr Ng! What are you gonna act as this saturday?
[Mr Ng] -making the sssh gesture- I don't want other teachers to know I'm acting
[Me] Haha the whole school knows already. Out! Out! You deserved it!
I'm going to the Hydrophonics farm next week.
Didn't go tuition today cause I came back from speech day rehearsal at 7+. No Just kidding. at 8 pm.
So the tuition was moved forward to saturday. D;
Haha rehearsal was Ok until Any Dream Will do. I don't know whether it's because of lack of Warm Ups or what. But during the performance I suddenly cannot sing. I mean I can la but the sound cannot come out like normal. And I stupidly go ahead and forced it and sing louder. Stupid...
Oh and those people who never smile are eediots. Must make the principal make smiley face for you first then you smile. I got smile. Retardedly. like The damn laidat smile kind of smile. Geddit?
Then Went back up and changed for Climb every mountain. Then like few minutes later ran back down. Oh Mr Wong sings damn cool. After singing once, Principal asked us to move one step down. Now on the second step.
"Oh cool, now I've got this drumstick in front of me"
Mr wong said that into the mike and it got amplified.
After the performance, Mr Wong made some comments about falling over into me and stomping me flat. And called me and lie wen and li keen cute. Now I'm scared.
I like doing the same quiz again. To see whether the answers are the same.
A - Available?: Yuhuh
A - Age: 13
A - Annoyance: People who keep bastard-ing me (*COUGHCOUGH*hendrik*COUGHCOUGH*
B - Best Friends?: FIFTY I mean Rifdi
B - Bar: Bar 33
B - Birthday?: Sept 13
C - Crush: nobody ;D
C - Car: Honda Oddysey
C - Cat: Died. All 3 of them
D - Dead Pets Name: Pompom (Rabbit)
D - Dad's Name: -------------------
D - Dog: Nope
E - Easiest person to talk to: Justin.
E - Eggs: Omelet
E - Email: n3k0._.ch4n@hotmail.com
F - Favorite color?: Alpine White & Gold.
F - Food: Brad.
F - Foreign Slang: Hokkien. FOREIGN ;D.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Gummy Bears, Cause gummy worms don't have heads.
G - God: God
G - Good Times: Dunno.
H - Hair Color: Black
H - Height: 1.67 cm.
H - Happy: :D
I - Ice Cream: Vanilla
I - Instrument: Les Paul
I - Idol: IERO
J - Jewelery: No
J - Job: Undertaker
J - Jokes: What do you mean?
K - Kids: 3.
K - Karate: No
K - Kung Fu:No
L - Love: My Chem
L - Longest Car Ride: dunno, from SF To LA
L - Lipstick or Chapstick: a what?
M - Milk Flavor: Normal
M - Mothers Name: Still alive
M - Movie Last Watched: The Dark Knight
N - Number of Siblings: 2
N - Northern or Southern: Northern
N - Name: A leaf
O - One Wish: Be ghostbuster famous
O - One Phobia?: insects
O - Otter Pop: otter poop?
P - Parents, are they married or divorced: Married
P - Part of your appearence you like best?: Dunno.Hair?
P - Part of your Personality you like best: My superpower that nobody knows of. Srsly.
Q - Quick or Slow?: Slow
Q - Queen or King?: King
R - Reason to smile: Must to. Otherwise get pumped.
R - Reality TV Show: Er. Uh. Emm. Punk'd?
R - Right or Left: Right
S - Song Last Heard: A man for all seasons
S - Season: Spring
S - Series: Series? I don't really watch TV
T - Time you woke up: 5.25
T - Time Now: 20.52
T - Time for bed: 23.00
U - Unknown: My REAL Favorite song
U - Unicorns: EXISTS.
U - You are?: Your Father
V - Vegetable you hate: erm ermerm. BABY SPINACH
V - Vegetable you love: Tomato?
V - View on Politics: Politics sucks.
W- Worst Habit: Getting a runny nose so damn often.
W- Where are you going to travel next: BATAM.
W- What's up?: Room Reveal
X - X-Ray: No Broken Bones.
Y - Year you were born: 1994
Y - Year it is now: 2008
Y - Yellow: Shirt
Z - Zoo Animal: Penguins!
Z - Zodiac: Virgo
Z - Zoolander?: what?
Take This Spike To My Heart~ ♪♫
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Yeah! Rifdi Fiftieth post!!
Oh and my blogpatrol worked again : (D~
Hm hm what shall I do for my fiftieth post...
oh Oh OHHH
maybe I should post something fun.
Nvm I give up, I can't find anything fun.
So I'll just make an extra-long post
Gah I promised that I would record the new song for Thishanth but then I got no time. Geehhh
So after I ate lunch, I decided to pon Conversational and run away. Oh then I met Zul. Than chatted to him for a while and then ran away with him. lol nt rly. then went to the Bedok MRT and Poof. Zul's card is broken. Spent some time in the ticketing counter.
haha then the ticketing counter woman tried to find a sign to match the occasion but couldn't find any. So there it was. "Machine Overloaded". Or something. Haha then the people thought the machine really broke down. While she was typing on the com. Haha.
I suddenly lost my mood to blog. Maybe next time I will do room-reveal ;D
Oh and my blogpatrol worked again : (D~
Hm hm what shall I do for my fiftieth post...
oh Oh OHHH
maybe I should post something fun.
Nvm I give up, I can't find anything fun.
So I'll just make an extra-long post
Gah I promised that I would record the new song for Thishanth but then I got no time. Geehhh
So after I ate lunch, I decided to pon Conversational and run away. Oh then I met Zul. Than chatted to him for a while and then ran away with him. lol nt rly. then went to the Bedok MRT and Poof. Zul's card is broken. Spent some time in the ticketing counter.
haha then the ticketing counter woman tried to find a sign to match the occasion but couldn't find any. So there it was. "Machine Overloaded". Or something. Haha then the people thought the machine really broke down. While she was typing on the com. Haha.
I suddenly lost my mood to blog. Maybe next time I will do room-reveal ;D
Monday, July 28, 2008
I'm guessing...
must be you ;D
EDIT: Searched the IP on google, came up with this:
Uh oooohh....
must be you ;D
EDIT: Searched the IP on google, came up with this:
Uh oooohh....

While clearing my com, I found these pictures ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
the good old days.
wah yesterday I stayed up until 12+ doing my art homework. Must draw the first scene of the animation. Which is like 4+ seconds. Which means that I have to draw 48 drawings or more. And the laptop burnt my groin area, so I used my choir file for protection.
Then draw draw draw draw. Then I asked haoyang what that [c=x] where x is an integer means. then he say must use the new live messengger and gave me the download links. Then it came up.
I geddit.
Have you guise heard of Jing Ye's blog?
Hahaha sec 1 only then scold a hell lot of bad words in his post. D;
I can't believe he has more tags than me D:
Fake entree before~ ♪♫
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Woaah cool down man
Just now my dad told me that putting the laptop over your groin area will kill your sperm
Which is what I've been doing for the past 4 hours or so using my mom's laptop as a "light table" for my drawing. ohhh I'm sorry future child o' mine.
Which is what I've been doing for the past 4 hours or so using my mom's laptop as a "light table" for my drawing. ohhh I'm sorry future child o' mine.
I hate
It is damn boring.
I mean srsly
[My Brother]: During camp, one of my friend's initials was Pcc
[me]: ...
[My Brother]: and my friends called her
[me]: -turns back and gives a glare-
[My Brother]: Phua chu kang
(Note: That was my younger brother. I only have younger brothers)
Haha me and my sick thoughts. I thought he was mentioning the "sick" PCC.
whatever man. need to clear my mind XD
Don't fall if I fall~♪♫
I hate
It is damn boring.
I mean srsly
[My Brother]: During camp, one of my friend's initials was Pcc
[me]: ...
[My Brother]: and my friends called her
[me]: -turns back and gives a glare-
[My Brother]: Phua chu kang
(Note: That was my younger brother. I only have younger brothers)
Haha me and my sick thoughts. I thought he was mentioning the "sick" PCC.
whatever man. need to clear my mind XD
Don't fall if I fall~♪♫
Friday, July 25, 2008
Lmfao Today we had Home Ecs practical. After long days of practice (read: Playing Maple Private server in Jun Da's House), We managed to come out with this result. Doesn't it appetize you?
Practice pics:

Ingredients: Mango Chutney, Diarrhea, Baby vomit and Dried Shat
The pro (me) at work
In the next episode: Chicken drumstick vs A boy's Hand. Who will win?

4 warriors surrounding the Grapefruit Juice
If you have paid attention you would have realised that we have replaced mashed potatoes with potato chips. It was last minute improvisation (sui) cos I forgot to boil the water hahaha. So we fried it instead.

Lol I swear it wasn't me who wrote it. Haha. Try not to call it.
Came late for Choir just now. Then after rehearsal, went to wait outside music rm while the others go and eat. Then Jonteo ask me to go in. Haha then ask me teach him how to play drums. Like I can la. Then he asked me what song is easy to play and gave me his phone. Then I saw I don't Love you. Naturally, the only song you know out of hundreds would be the one you picked right? Then I saw his stick.
"Pro Mark"
Woaah. Future Rev sia.
When You Go~ ♪♫

Lol I swear it wasn't me who wrote it. Haha. Try not to call it.
Came late for Choir just now. Then after rehearsal, went to wait outside music rm while the others go and eat. Then Jonteo ask me to go in. Haha then ask me teach him how to play drums. Like I can la. Then he asked me what song is easy to play and gave me his phone. Then I saw I don't Love you. Naturally, the only song you know out of hundreds would be the one you picked right? Then I saw his stick.
"Pro Mark"
Woaah. Future Rev sia.
When You Go~ ♪♫
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mngangah Blugff -sniffs-
omg I can't believe I'm sick. This strong and healthy body is sick. Gasp. |:
Wah Isn't it cool, getting sick on Speech day Full Dress rehearsal day? yes it's super awesome, it's not like I'm missing all the fun. D;.
I can't swallow anything, drinking hurts, I must eat medicine. Being sick sucks. Even though I get to stay at home, my mum doesn't allow me to play PS. Wah Lao.
Oh Oh A man for all seasons is damn cool. The song. Ever since I heard it in Johnny english last last last week, It's been stuck in my head lol. I mean it's really catchy and spy-ish. ;D. Check it out on my music player on the right (the last song)
Meh I don't wanna get sick D<
Oh I really want to screw up ICAS next year. On the paper it clearly states "Name (For certificate use)" Means that it won't get me in trouble if I don't put my real name on it. I shall do it next year.
"Alif Keenan Ibrahim-Way"
Who's doing What why when and who.~ ♪♫
Wah Isn't it cool, getting sick on Speech day Full Dress rehearsal day? yes it's super awesome, it's not like I'm missing all the fun. D;.
I can't swallow anything, drinking hurts, I must eat medicine. Being sick sucks. Even though I get to stay at home, my mum doesn't allow me to play PS. Wah Lao.
Oh Oh A man for all seasons is damn cool. The song. Ever since I heard it in Johnny english last last last week, It's been stuck in my head lol. I mean it's really catchy and spy-ish. ;D. Check it out on my music player on the right (the last song)
Meh I don't wanna get sick D<
Oh I really want to screw up ICAS next year. On the paper it clearly states "Name (For certificate use)" Means that it won't get me in trouble if I don't put my real name on it. I shall do it next year.
"Alif Keenan Ibrahim-Way"
Who's doing What why when and who.~ ♪♫
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I wanna blog la. So many things to say but not enough time. Stupid HW
I have these photos of stuff I want to reveal. (Not rly).
saturday then I think I could blog
Play guitar also cannot. bleh.
Yay tomorrow I shall go jamming ;D
We changed studios from fourtones to beat merchants temporarily cause the fourtones full and I hav to go for friday prayers. Must take taxi there D:
BuhBye Humans
I wanna blog la. So many things to say but not enough time. Stupid HW
I have these photos of stuff I want to reveal. (Not rly).
saturday then I think I could blog
Play guitar also cannot. bleh.
Yay tomorrow I shall go jamming ;D
We changed studios from fourtones to beat merchants temporarily cause the fourtones full and I hav to go for friday prayers. Must take taxi there D:
BuhBye Humans
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I just realized how to steal other people's skin or copy them exactly
go to MY old blog and then to the Choir Blog
tuh duuh
go to MY old blog and then to the Choir Blog
tuh duuh
This broken city Sky.
[Bus]: -Moves Forward-
[Me]: -Falls and drops bag on the ground-
That stupid Book made me fall down.
And then I missed the bus stop by three stops. Then I walked back to school cause my EZ-Link have no more money. Oh god.
With all those Uniformed groups and their marching, I just HAD to do something funny.
Which means Go and Commit suicide.
Hahaha disturbed Hao Yang during his march. Johnathan shouted Ying Kiong during his march then I'm sure Yippy smiled hahahaha.
Then Went onto bus 31 with Thishanth. The bus was really crowded and stuff and the driver had to constantly tell the people to move in. BUTT THERE WAS NO SPAICE. SSo we just went into the bus. Thishanth said that the bus was the perfect Singaporean scene for the Animation script. Then this girl with dark red Shirt Went in.
[Thishanth]:Iii. How Come today all the girls dog-faced one? Just now this morning Also.
[Me]:Hahaha. Must be a Bad Day
[Red Shirt girl]: -moves hand down and touched my arrse-
[Me]: -Looks back-
[Red Shirt Girl]: Sorry
Then seconds later, the bus crashed into a car. At the side. Then there was a loud commotion and I said that this was also the perfect Singaporean scene for the Script. "Evacuated" out of the bus and waited for another 31.
So from the Devil Wears Prada song (Which I have never heard before but have been mentioned many times by JunDa and Deedot) Changed to...
Thirty One Had An accident.
I plan on revealing my room tomorrow. Just for the heck of it. Should I?
It's not your fault that no one ever cares♪♫
[Bus]: -Moves Forward-
[Me]: -Falls and drops bag on the ground-
That stupid Book made me fall down.
And then I missed the bus stop by three stops. Then I walked back to school cause my EZ-Link have no more money. Oh god.
With all those Uniformed groups and their marching, I just HAD to do something funny.
Which means Go and Commit suicide.
Hahaha disturbed Hao Yang during his march. Johnathan shouted Ying Kiong during his march then I'm sure Yippy smiled hahahaha.
Then Went onto bus 31 with Thishanth. The bus was really crowded and stuff and the driver had to constantly tell the people to move in. BUTT THERE WAS NO SPAICE. SSo we just went into the bus. Thishanth said that the bus was the perfect Singaporean scene for the Animation script. Then this girl with dark red Shirt Went in.
[Thishanth]:Iii. How Come today all the girls dog-faced one? Just now this morning Also.
[Me]:Hahaha. Must be a Bad Day
[Red Shirt girl]: -moves hand down and touched my arrse-
[Me]: -Looks back-
[Red Shirt Girl]: Sorry
Then seconds later, the bus crashed into a car. At the side. Then there was a loud commotion and I said that this was also the perfect Singaporean scene for the Script. "Evacuated" out of the bus and waited for another 31.
So from the Devil Wears Prada song (Which I have never heard before but have been mentioned many times by JunDa and Deedot) Changed to...
Thirty One Had An accident.
I plan on revealing my room tomorrow. Just for the heck of it. Should I?
It's not your fault that no one ever cares♪♫
Friday, July 11, 2008
Shatz just now the skin I was about to use just dieded (the posts won't come out) so I have to find another one. It's fine tho since the last one is really messed up. Meh. Was about to blog about how I missed the bus stops by three stops.
will post more later.
Kinda board now
[LeeKin]: So, Alif Will you follow the chairman's order? Or will you just ignore him and un-chair the chairman?
will post more later.
Kinda board now
[LeeKin]: So, Alif Will you follow the chairman's order? Or will you just ignore him and un-chair the chairman?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Today is the day where the gay had the say and he yayed and went out to play.
[JonTeo] Alif, do you want to learn climb every mountain?
[Me] No
[JonTeo] Cause there is only 5 spaces left
[Me] No
[Jonteo] I'm serious.
[JonTeo] (To Alto Section) Ok, who wants to sing Climb Every Mountain
[Me] -Raises hand enthusiastically-
Climb every mountain has the very typical 'Sound of Music' chording sound thing. I mean like...You know. Ok. Fine.
Every climb every mountain sounds different. Which is not fun. Cause I usually relate the words with the notes, so if a lot of climb every mountain come up with different notes. BAM. Counfusion strikes. Hahaha. So must put the song on guitar pro and listen over and over again like oh the eyes of my-female-cow-private-part song (O Occhi, Manza Mia).
The Last One
L. Jun Da-Screamer/ Vocals
Alif Keenan I.- Lead Guitar/ Vocals
Kenneth Chua (Kenny C)- Bass Guitar
Deedot Thishanth- Drums
Temporary Members:
Yip Hao Yang-Sound Technician (A.K.A guy who carries all our stuffs around XD)
Iskandar-Tour Manager (Didn't agree to it
Just Think Happy Thoughts~
[JonTeo] Alif, do you want to learn climb every mountain?
[Me] No
[JonTeo] Cause there is only 5 spaces left
[Me] No
[Jonteo] I'm serious.
[JonTeo] (To Alto Section) Ok, who wants to sing Climb Every Mountain
[Me] -Raises hand enthusiastically-
Climb every mountain has the very typical 'Sound of Music' chording sound thing. I mean like...You know. Ok. Fine.
Every climb every mountain sounds different. Which is not fun. Cause I usually relate the words with the notes, so if a lot of climb every mountain come up with different notes. BAM. Counfusion strikes. Hahaha. So must put the song on guitar pro and listen over and over again like oh the eyes of my-female-cow-private-part song (O Occhi, Manza Mia).
The Last One
L. Jun Da-Screamer/ Vocals
Alif Keenan I.- Lead Guitar/ Vocals
Kenneth Chua (Kenny C)- Bass Guitar
Deedot Thishanth- Drums
Temporary Members:
Yip Hao Yang-Sound Technician (A.K.A guy who carries all our stuffs around XD)
Iskandar-Tour Manager (Didn't agree to it
Just Think Happy Thoughts~
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Dadum dum dum. Do Da Da. Platypus. Octo. MSI.
Dadum dum dum. Do Da Da. Platypus. Octo.
I just realized that if I'm in a bad mood I just instinctively PickUpAGuitar/SingABulletsSongSing Hang'EmHigh/Scream/SpamDrumsOnTheBed/MakeNewSongs/PlayRATFE.
I mean like, Currently This is the best day ever is stuck in my head (again)
I sometimes think that people have this certain habit to release their anger like cry it off, smash things or go out of the house and run as far as they could. Maybe play music or maybe stare at the ceiling reflecting on their mistakes. Maybe surf the net or watch tv. Maybe read a book and maybe listen to music.
Some people are just plain cowards. They know they must do something. They know they are able to do it. But they are scared of the consequences. What do you have to lose? Maybe you lose that link to a certain event or person. Maybe you get scolded. But So What? Shake this off. The world is huge, make new friends, get new hobbies, take that scolding into mind and correct what's wrong. You cowards don't know how to seize the Day, Take a Risk. The rest of your life you'll have that hanging feeling of regret. Why didn't I do it? Ridiculous. Rubbish.
I hope you choke and Die.
Went Jamming on Monday. JunDa Didn't come (his mother don't allow), Deedot didn't come (Granpa sick) so it's only me and Kenneth (Chua). Sad.
Went in the studio and taught him the first part of My Heroine. Then this small (ok fine shorter than me) came in and took the room. That guy's name was Xxxxxxx. So I went out and he said "Thanks Guys" in a very bassy voice. Hahahahaha. Then the guy thought my name was Hanis. Stupid. I shouldn't have booked the studio on the MRT. So noisy. Then Me and Kenneth decided to end the thing one hour earlier and went out to eat. Went to the "Famed" Hawker centre (lol, so small can be called hawker centre) and ate the usual stuff.
Then Joshua went to my house and then we go Kallang Leisure Park then go to the arcade. I realized my Maximum Tune skills are really noob after not playing for a while. Then he gave me one of his cards (Nissan, 700+ Hp) Then raced with 3 other guys. Joshua Came in first and I came in third. So happy not last.
Sometimes I think I'll Die Alone~
I just realized that if I'm in a bad mood I just instinctively PickUpAGuitar/SingABulletsSongSing Hang'EmHigh/Scream/SpamDrumsOnTheBed/MakeNewSongs/PlayRATFE.
I mean like, Currently This is the best day ever is stuck in my head (again)
I sometimes think that people have this certain habit to release their anger like cry it off, smash things or go out of the house and run as far as they could. Maybe play music or maybe stare at the ceiling reflecting on their mistakes. Maybe surf the net or watch tv. Maybe read a book and maybe listen to music.
Some people are just plain cowards. They know they must do something. They know they are able to do it. But they are scared of the consequences. What do you have to lose? Maybe you lose that link to a certain event or person. Maybe you get scolded. But So What? Shake this off. The world is huge, make new friends, get new hobbies, take that scolding into mind and correct what's wrong. You cowards don't know how to seize the Day, Take a Risk. The rest of your life you'll have that hanging feeling of regret. Why didn't I do it? Ridiculous. Rubbish.
I hope you choke and Die.
Went Jamming on Monday. JunDa Didn't come (his mother don't allow), Deedot didn't come (Granpa sick) so it's only me and Kenneth (Chua). Sad.
Went in the studio and taught him the first part of My Heroine. Then this small (ok fine shorter than me) came in and took the room. That guy's name was Xxxxxxx. So I went out and he said "Thanks Guys" in a very bassy voice. Hahahahaha. Then the guy thought my name was Hanis. Stupid. I shouldn't have booked the studio on the MRT. So noisy. Then Me and Kenneth decided to end the thing one hour earlier and went out to eat. Went to the "Famed" Hawker centre (lol, so small can be called hawker centre) and ate the usual stuff.
Then Joshua went to my house and then we go Kallang Leisure Park then go to the arcade. I realized my Maximum Tune skills are really noob after not playing for a while. Then he gave me one of his cards (Nissan, 700+ Hp) Then raced with 3 other guys. Joshua Came in first and I came in third. So happy not last.
Sometimes I think I'll Die Alone~
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Omg youtube's noyosa (Olomouc)
0.24 somebody from first row like 3rd or 4th from the right was gracefully moving his hands too early I mean late hahaha.
I mean, like ballerina gracefully. I wonder who...
0.24 somebody from first row like 3rd or 4th from the right was gracefully moving his hands too early I mean late hahaha.
I mean, like ballerina gracefully. I wonder who...
After reading Jonathan (Teo)'s blog, I realized the real reason because of the silence during sectionals.
Oh and we were not really scared (me, at least), just trying not to piss you off.
Taken from Robin's blog
Things that start with the same letter as the first one of your name
BOY NAME: Anthony
GIRL NAME: Adeline
A COLOR: Azure
SOMETHING YOU WEAR: A.. what's this...
BEVERAGE: Americano
FOOD: Apple
A PLACE: America
REASON FOR BEING LATE: A piece of dog faeces was in front of my and I stepped on it
Oh and we were not really scared (me, at least), just trying not to piss you off.
Taken from Robin's blog
Things that start with the same letter as the first one of your name
BOY NAME: Anthony
GIRL NAME: Adeline
A COLOR: Azure
SOMETHING YOU WEAR: A.. what's this...
BEVERAGE: Americano
FOOD: Apple
A PLACE: America
REASON FOR BEING LATE: A piece of dog faeces was in front of my and I stepped on it
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