Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Peach Tea
But HAHAHAHAHA. I'll change it again on new year's.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Ok I've been obsessing about Zombies a little too much. It started with the zombie survival guide, which led to World War Z and finally Left 4 dead. As everyone said
"For once, Valve did the right thing" couldn't agree more baby.
Sorry for not posting for the past three(?) days. I've been busy, you guessed it, playing left4dead. I know it's ridiculous not to take like 10 minutes of my time (Which is half of the average amount it takes for me to finish a level) to blog even if I spent like 4 hours playing L4D. Cut me some slack, I wake up at 12pm, finished getting dressed at 1, whored out L4D and checked Facebook/email/blogs/onemanga/Geekologie/Cracked/SMBC/iambored and Dr.Mcninja. And sleep.
But I wanna do something productive so here I am, blogging. Finished my maths homework and only have my English Tuition hoemwroks to do. Oh well going out tomorrow with Justin and a few other people. Wanna come? 12.30 Tampines MRT.
To keep me off left4dead, I shall do something related.
10 Signs that you're obsessed with zombies.
Written by a man dressed in a Businessman suit.
10. The only books you have ever read are the Left 4 dead guidebook and the Zombie Survival Guide.
9. You have built an emergency fort somewhere in North Sudan in case of "Emergency"
8. You tell everyone to calm down at scary movies.
7. You bring canned food whenever you go for a family trip. In case you got attacked and left to live alone.
6. Whenever your friend talks about using a flamethrower in any zombie games, you tell him off for not being careful.
5. You have a machete and an AK-47 in your home, with a complete set of ammunition to last you for a three months of battle.
4. You know in your heart that Tanks, Boomers, Witches and Hunters doesn't exist; only normal and voodoo zombies.
3. You stay off China because that's where it all starts
2. You laugh at Left 4 Dead for being factually incorrect.
1. You actually get these facts, like me.
Urgh I feel so dirty posting that. I know that none of you will get it, not even L4D players. So happy belated Halloween and eArrly New YeARRRR
Thursday, December 25, 2008
But then I saw this steve-o clip from jackass 2.5, and it creeped me out. I mean it's not REALLY disgusting compared to some other ones but there's a certain aspect of it (which I could not grasp) that makes me, make faces.
Video yourself watching this. And then watch your video. You'll realize that you made weird faces. Teeeheee.
EDIT: I totally forgot about the classic Goldfish trick.
Saw this on tv.
Happy birthday.
I just finished maths homework. Damn irritating.
Ok so for those of you celebrating, Happy Birthday to all of you.
Not gonna post...
But I'll say.
We're all gonna party when the funeral ends.
Happy birthday. Don't get kidnapped by fat old guy.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I really like Cliffs of Dover. I know it's really poser to like an artist 'cause he was on guitar hero but hey, there's always Dragonforce.
Here's the lyrics:
Just kidding, it's an instrumental. So if you have some time, click HERE to hear it. Seriously, take six minutes of your life and listen to the song. Even without lyrics, it's pure awesome. Note that purely part.
Oh read a comment in Youtube
"my mum and I called this "The Happy Song" when I was little cause that's what it is. It's also great house cleaning music. I love this song"
So next time you're doing spring cleaning, pick up Eric Johnson's records and play it.
I swear even if he's ugly.
I wanna kiss you passionately on your lips...
and move up to your belly.
Ah yes the good old days.
Sec 3 is coming which means new classmates. New classmates of abilities around the same as mine. But the problem is, I suck at maths. No not really. But I'm dead for sure 'cause I'll end up in the last quarter of the class.
Urgh I hate emo posts. Not this tho. I mean on other people's blogs. I myself have a heck load of emo posts, just that it's nowhere to be found. I have a secretsecret blog where I pour all my hate to. Oh some of you reader's name is in there too. Muahahaha. If you want to post emoemo posts don't post it on your blog, attention whores. Stop making the world look bad.
You see when you see something bad and it hurts you because of some reason, it's not that bad. No matter what. Well, unless your mother died and you had to live on the streets when you're 14, but you see it made you tougher. Like failing maths. Hahaha. I failed maths. Like midterm. Failed by like 20 points. I got demotivated and depressed and emoed out for the rest of my life.
Just kidding.
So if you want to post intimate stuff that makes you sound like some angsty punk teen, go make a new blog, hide it from any possible links and post there. Trust me, it makes you feel
Any of you GFX good? Help me out. Contact me at... you know my email.
A person who plays bowling is a bowler.
A person who throws a hook ball is a...
So to all you *ahem*, bowlers out there, start throwing straights ;D
Bob of course, was shredding everybody. His skill on the track is matched only by his love of a frothy Coffee Bean Quintuple Espresso. Whenever he whizzed by me, all I could make out was a ghostly streak of black and blue checkered flannel, and the hint of a blonde beard tucked messily into a yellow-jacket helmet. He was a Norse God, sent down from the heavens to strike man asunder. This vision has not yet escaped my nightmares.
Omg taken from mychem's website.
I love that Norse God part. 'Cause I've been thinking about that for a while.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I've been banned by cbox, on my own cbox.
For posting nine in the afternoon lyrics.
Apparently there's not much to do when it's 2.30 in the morning, staying up, not wanting to do homework. So I went through the archives of some friend's blog and found this quiz. I shall do it. Quizzes are like my nirvana man. I could lie through all of them and you'll all believe it.
But not this one O:
1. In a relationship/single/crushing?
Ans: I've been married for 3 years to this woman who now lives under the sea, searching for the meaning of life
2. Are you happy with your life now?
Ans: Yes.
3. If you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast?
Ans: Yes. But it would be even quicker if it was a she.
4. Have you ever been heartbroken?
Ans: Not literally.
5. Do you believe that there are some circumstances, where cheating love is acceptable?
Ans: Yup. Like now.
6. Would you take someone back if she cheats on you?
Ans: yes. Then make her regret it by cheating on someone else in her parent's house.
7. Have you ever talked about marriage to someone else before?
Ans: Refer to question one.
8. Do you want children?
Ans: No more please.
9. How many?
Ans: I said 0.
10. Have you ever considered adoption?
Ans: Where do you think little Jeremy came from?
11. If someone likes you now, what is the best way for her to let you know her feelings??
Ans: Um, like, my wife reads this. meet me at 6 pm with a glass of rootbeer. I'll accept anyone who does that.
12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships?
Ans: Yuh.
13. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Ans: No. But love at first hear? lol whatever
14. Do you believe you can change someone?
Ans: Obama did, so why couldn't I.
15. If you could get married somewhere, where would it be?
Ans: In the Yellow Submarine.
16. Do you give in easily when you're fighting?
Ans: The original answer my friend gave was "Yes, cuz violence just isnt the way to go". Obviously he didn't know what war he's fighting.
17. Do you have feelings for someone right now?
Ans: I wonder where Maria went.
18. Did you ever wish that you could have had someone, but messed it up?
Ans: ooooo ouch.
19. Have you ever broken a heart?
Ans: Gingerbread cake hearts. Totally.
20. If one day your best friend falls in love with the
Ans: Write a song about friendship.
21. Are you missing anyone right now?
Ans: Uh huh. 'Cause all I want for christmas is you. ;D
You know who you are. You. are the only one who knows the meaning behind :(D~.
I'll give you those black shoes you wanted but promise me one thing; When I get back from Mars please make me your King.♪♫
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Yes Man
Since I don't want to sleep yet 'cause I promised myself I'll start doing my homework on the monday after the Choir performance, I shall burn my time by doing a Yes Man review.
PLOT: Carl Allen (Jim Carrey)is a miserable man. Like all miserable men, he is stuck in a bank cubicle and buys off DVDs from a tiny miserable DVD loan shop. One day his old friend took him to this convention. The friend stated that saying "Yes" in his life made him a different man and had accomplished many wonderful things such as climbing the Kilimanjaro and bazooka-ing a cow, which I presume is in Cambodia. (Check out number 1 on the list: it's real). So after that convention and getting beaten up by some scraggy old man, he took a hobo to this park but ran out of gas and phone battery. He went down to the gas station while being a whiny little kid, meets this hot chick(Zooey Deschanel), makes out and went home. The next day onwards, he started saying yes and happy things happens when he does but bad things happens when he says no, like in the instance of a neighbour grandma giving him AHEMAHEM "Service".
One thing led to another and he started saying yes to Korean language lessons, Persian online bridal service, Guitar lessons (Which turned out to be useful when he tried saving a man), and flying lessons. With that hot chick he met at the gas station, went to Nebraska. The second time he went to the airport to go to a random trip, security stopped him. Apparently, he has been under watch of the government and is considered suspicious because he learnt Korean, which made them think he's connected to the nuclear filled North Korea, have a Persian wife, 'cause of persia, Loaned money to a fertilizer bussiness, which made them thing that he's making bomb and taking flying lessons, which is useful for terrorizing a country. His friend/lawyer came and explained his whole "Yes" thing and his hot chi- I mean girlfriend Allison is offended by the fact that he said yes to living with her 'cause he had to, stormed out of the room and ran away in a taxi cab.
But in the end, that scraggy old man who told him to say yes to anything told him (in the hospital, long story) that he only had to say yes to what he really wanted to. So he went on his male nurse friend Lee's chopper and kicked some Toyota ass with his awesome riding. Went to Allison's usual 6 am "Jogging photography club" and told her he loved her etc etc. Makes out and and the photographers took pictures. Oh and he was butt naked. Literally butt naked.
Themes: Ok, the theme is pretty similar to all Jim Carrey films. Jim Carrey finds out this new thing in life and got superly lucky but has problems in the middle. Some inspirational tear jerker moments and ends nicely. Oh, this doesn't apply to Series of Unfortunate events tho'.
Writing: The lines were pretty good. It started out rough, the audience didn't laugh at "laugh" moments. It's not that they didn't get it but it just wasn't funny. But towards the middle, around the bridal shower part, it started to get hillarious. In my opinion, the part when he got caught by security is the best part. Hahaha. But there isn't any catchy lines you could grasp on though, something fun in a movie.
Family suitability: With all those swearing and sexual jokes (Getting a head from a granny), I don't reccomend it for 10 and under. I did watch it with my 7 year old brother tho. Oh and swear words (D*ck, F-) weren't censored so if you don't want your little baby kids to start mouthing you bad words whenever you change the channel from barney or the Wiggles, don't bring them in.
Overall impression: It's good. I hate to admit it but it's good. Although with the cheesy inspirational "Yes" theme and lines, It's good. It makes you want to say yes. It got what it wanted. Sneaky bastards.
We all love stars.
3/5 stars. 4/5 stars for putting hotstuff Zooey Deschanel in. ;D
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I look.
"Thank You for watching the performance, we hope to see you soon. Have a pleasant evening" omgwtf lah. I didn't know I was supposed to come out in the end. Oh, staggered when saying "Gesu Bambino" and pronounced it wrong. Ergh was shaking too.
Lol the Sop 1s didn't sing that dododo part in come go with me. blehh.
Oh and during the trip to the conference hall, was sitting with Johnlee when he starts to act emo. He took out his glasses and gave a serious stare. I laughed at his face, took his specs and put it on. And then I pulled down my hair and looked down. Comments?
"You look like Felicia Chin"
Then I knew Jing Ye was a big fan of Felicia Chin. So asked him whether I do look like her in that position and he laughed. Omfg crap I look like a girl from an angle. With specs.
Ok will post a review about the new noise reduction Rock Band drumsticks. WITH PICTURES 8D.
"You look like Felicia Chin"
Friday, December 19, 2008
Did a Cap'n America sig. Was about to post it when I fell asleep. Now here it is. Use it all you want I don't care

Constructive criticism encouraged :>
EDIT: T'was the night before christmas... (That's a link, stupid)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sigs, sigs, and more sigs

Did a Vegeta sig just now. When it first came out it was totally really bright but with a few color balance and gradient maps, it subtled down a bit and this is the final product. I miss the old GFX days where I would just photoshop all day long without any care.
Until PSLE came. But nevermind that 'cause NABIL'S GOT CS4 BASTARD BASTARD.
I'm using Ps7 right now so it's kind of a bummer.
Went to KFC with likeen just now to talk about stuff. Oh the A-Z band/artist game was fun haha. "T...THE TING TINGS" Triple points. Should be but 'cause we didn't count "The"s, only double.
Went bowling just now and made personal best 173. I know it's little compared to yours nabil but DAMN I can own a few asses with that score.

Made a Fan banner. First one so go easy on me.
I'm gonna do watchmen later! Maybe Dr Manhattan?\

Couldn't find any decent Dr Manhattan Stock so I made the sig with my second favorite comic book character who was ruined (not!) by hollywood, Iern Men.
Makes my Vegeta sig look like pure crap doesn't it?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How You 'Doing?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ok here's the really final songlist, with extra songs
When Guest Coming in
I don't love you (instrumental)
Good Riddance (instrumental)
Only Gay Eskimo (I know ;D)
My Heroine
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Desert Song
The River
Face Down
Teenagers Solo.
Awesome songlist huh ;D
So performing to 300 doctors according to Nabil isn't that big or scary. Not when there is awkward silence and "I must clap 'cause it's customary" claps. That is my biggest fear. Not screwing up no, I'm pretty confident about the songs but I'm scared that those songs are not exactly the doctors' cup of tea.
But since 300 people is just a third of assembly, it's gonna be fine. But without a strong and handy roadies crew, woah hell I'm gonna have a broken back at the end of the day.
Monday, December 15, 2008
American rock and roll band.
Went jamming for the last time today before the show. Tried out the acoustic versions of the songs. I think Face Down is the best to play acoustic. My heroine is damn hard to co ordinate and boulevard is really repetitive. The river is way too high to sing. Should I sing desert song and replace good riddance with that song? But it isn't nice without a solo.
I realized we have more confidence in what we are used to do. When doing something new, there is always a fear of messing up, even if it's easier. Especially when someone's watching. But someone watching isn't the least of my problem. At least it shouldn't be. Not when there will be 300 people watching us play.
When we played the normal (rock, with drums) version of the songs, we did it much better. My audience was visibly happier with that version. Arrrgh. Oh well, Thishanth's mum said that if this performance is good, they'll let us play with a full band next year. Yip!
Before Jamming, I went out to eat in Banquet with likeen and K.Chiang. The latter followed me 'cause I owe him threefifty. Were talking about come go with me. Hahaha nice song. Although all we sing is doms, dums, bes, was and oo shoo be du bops. Tenors got all the nice singing. Oh and the Banquet musical.
"Never buy bandung, Oh it's frothy"
Lol fun time.
Wop wop wop.
What should I wear to the show? Should I go sharp dressed?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Well when you go...
It's hoe.
So many performances coming upp. Singapore General Hospital show is in like, 4 days and we haven't even got a bass yet. Sad story, Thishanth's mum's boss didn't approve the drums 'cause we asked for it so late, so we're playing acoustic show. Arrrghh.
I mean acoustic show's gonna suck if the vocals sucks, and I've got sore throat. Dammitt.
Oh and we need someone to evaluate us tomorrow, so anybody free tomorrow afternoon, contact me at, you know my email.
Oh and the choir performance next saturday. Dayum. Just learn 3 of the new songs yesterday. But the tunes are quite easy so just need to work on the lyrics. How I wish the world didn't have lyrics.
Yeah me too.
let's watch MADtv. MADTV IS EPIC WIN. epic seriously. A lot of people say it's a ripoff from SNL but honestly, it's much better. The only thing I like from SNL is their "LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT".
Just got Rock Band 2 yesterday. Since my 360's got the (dreaded) RRoD, My dad bought a new set (and all the instruments) for the PS3. Stayed up late yesterday playing that hahaha.
I swear one more time I hear "Eye of the Tiger", I'm gonna asplode.
Friday, December 12, 2008
I had to bump to keep that scary cork soaking video out of my ears. Who here is annoyed by it?
-raises hand-
In singing to.
And you know what I mean.
will post the recording of fairly oddparents later. O:
Thursday, December 11, 2008

kindaaaa what I feel.
Like 50% of it is true.
fine 34%
The Joe Satriani and Coldplay thing is really huge. Coldplay's been accused TWICE by two different bands/ artists on the same song (Viva La Vida). Joe Satriani, who obviously have a more awesome drumbeat than the bump bump bump that coldplay has, accused Coldplay of stealing "If I could fly"'s chord progression and melody. Although it's in different tempo and key, the transition between the notes is the same.
stupid coldplay-always stealing.
I can't wait for the watchmen movie.
Did you know?
my chem is doing a cover for the ending credits of Watchmen?
Watchmen is really awesome. Dr Manhattan has a totally awesome atmosphere. But the movie got his voice all wrong. He's not god. D:
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I can always make you smile
For those who don't know me, my name is Alif Keenan. I want to say a few words in memory of my printer.
Damien "HP Printer" Print lived a remarkable life, one that inspired me greatly. His adventurous attitude, his broad range of interests, and his happy demeanor made him a wonderful object to know. He was patient, and generous with his time and ink.
He always took an interest in the pictures he printed: there were few images he wouldn't print at any time or place. I introduced him to many of my "friends" over the years, and they always told me how interesting he'd been.
My grandfather pursued his many endeavours diligently, and always rose to meet a challenge. I always felt that he expected the same of me, too.
He was philosophical in his approach to printing. He especially had a great perspective when it came to the little things, never displaying anger or impatience. Instead, he showed a great dignity and had an awesome poker face, if any.
He extended this philosophy no matter what obstacle he faced. I have always admired this trait as it doesn't seem to have been handed down.
The strength of his character showed even in criticism. With a few wry words, if any, my printer could be far more damning than most people could achieve with any strong codings.
I'll miss the news of his strange adventures, and I'll miss the stories from the seven continents he visited, where he gets all his different parts; Stories he told again and again, in the same exacting detail with every telling. As they say, a picture paints a thousand words.
I'll miss his perspective and his gentle humming. I'll miss the surprising depth and scope of his knowledge. I'll miss the warmth he extended to every picture he printed.
I will miss Damien dearly. But I will sell him soon to the local pawnshop.
Thishanth broke my printer today. He swiveled on my chair and hit the protuding part of the printer and BAM it fell. Not the first time it fell but the first time the top was dislocated from the entire printer.
So it died by decapitation.
Will post more tomorrow. Morning.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Freak Out
The Smex.
Lol I didn't realize that it makes SPIT.
Jоиaтнaи◦ said:
what i'm saying is i know some infomation about sectionals from YOUR BLOG
Jоиaтнaи◦ said:
and so i'm telling you that its disadvantageous keeping a blog
Jоиaтнaи◦ said:
and that's one of the reasons to why i deleted it
Jоиaтнaи◦ said:
and because of YOUR BLOG i'm talking to you
Seriously, honestly, from the deepest dwellings in my heart where gollums roam and Anakin Skywalker is gay, I didn't get that.
First, you can't put three ands in a sentence. And second, what the hell am I going to fill that missing 16minutes and 23 seconds I usually read your blog with? Maybe it is disadvantageous to keep a blog but it's fun. It's effing fun. Like doing Cocaine while watching bugs bunny (Which if you are going to try, good luck getting that picture out of your mind).
I was about to post something funny, but thanks to that Hendrik, i played word challenge thingy on Facebook too long and now I'm stuck with this barely acceptable 6 paragraphed post.
Will post tomorrow.
Pretty or Ugly? Pretty ugly, bob.~
Here's a comic I made.
The drawing kinda sucks 'cause it's Mouse-drawn and the joke is very inside.
Oh if photoshop had a "You REAAAALLY wanna close it? You sure?" option, I would've saved around 20 minutes.
Here's one, with the ugly Frank Iero Watermark on the top right.

Damn you blogger. DAMN YOU....
Monday, December 8, 2008
Mi Amor
Geez I love binary.
I love tacos to. Tacos are like binary. You need 8 of them to make perfect sense. Unlike that sentence.
Lol went jamming just now. Apparently Mr D. Thishanth booked the studio from 3-5pm on SUNDAY, not today, resulting in temporary panic. Then the fourtones guy offered 5-7pm and he went for 5-6pm.
Then called beat Merchants. They have 4pm to 6pm. Time: 2.56. Great. We have time. So we booked beat merchants and Cancelled to fourtones one.
While walking, I found out that screaming echo (or whatever) while bending down causes, well, echoes. Like those dual-sound kind of sound you hear on recordings. The delay time is a splitsecond- which makes it really awesome.
Practiced the "whole show"
Have I told you my songlist. No?
Here's the final one. With comments on why we picked them.
Oh and it's in order.
My Heroine-Silverstein
The first song we played as a full band. I remember Jun Da was playing bass and Andra played lead guitar. We did a non-screamo version 'cause nobody in the band could scream awesomely.
Boulevard of Broken dreams - Green Day
First song me and Thishanth played. I remember it was last year or something during music class. I played this song and he said he could play it. But he doesn't have a drumstick so he couldn't play the music room drums. Lol. Then played with the classroom table, the metal part as hi-hat and books for bass drums lol.
The River - Good Charlotte ft. M. Shadows and Synyster Gates
The only song we have on this list that has a solo. I figured that a real rock band needs a solo song. So here it is. Oh and it's DAMN HARD TO SING. I usually cheat by going down an octave during the chorus.
Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
No, I HATE RJA. Not hate but not really into it. But since we need a fourth song in short notice, and I don't love you was too difficult for JD to learn, here's Face down, with only four chords. Lol.
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
A classic Green Day song- and they always end live shows with this song.
And Here's a list of songs that we could've played but didn't for several reasons
I don't Love You-My Chem
Too hard for them. Too boring for me
Jenny - The Click Five
Playing a Click Five song without a keyboardist is like blogging without a keyboard. 'Nuff said.
Teenagers - My Chem
Only I know the song.
Famous Last words - My Chem
The repetitive verse makes it boring for me- and the shredding solo isn't easy. At all
Thank You-Original
It's too complicated for either Hafiz and Jun Da to learn. I went a little too far with the chord progression. Oh and I haven't finished writing a solo for this song. Dayum.
Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold
Yeah, Right
Cancer - My chem
The same reason for Jenny, we don't have a keyboardist. And singing while playing the piano is hard.
5 minutes to midnight - Boys like girls
Hohoho. There are too much variations on how to play this, and the arrangement is too confusing to memorize. Go figure.
Oh and any wannabe photographers kind enough to handle my Nikon D40 on that night (17 dec) to record our awesome performance?
If you took the time to notice me ♪♫~
Saturday, December 6, 2008
They're all out without you havin' fun
Everyone left you, nobody likes you
They're all out without you havin' fun
Green Day sucks too at this point of time.
This is staying at home, and not going to work.
Sometimes I wonder whether I should do it or not.
In this post, I will remove any he/she and replace it with an it. Also no reference to any noun would be made, so that my privacy is safe.
I wonder whether I should do it or not. Would it respond positively or negatively? With a "Shaddup XD" or "w/e". It's really confusing. ARR. I used to be able to do this. Maybe it's just too high of a level for me. Well, one step ahead that is. There are some times in life where you've been and you see someone else doing it. I'm sure you'll say, 'cause I did, "I've been through that phase". Looking at it, no, I'd rather not.
Maybe I'm jealous yes. But I'm not desperate.
Scratch that I am desperate. It's the last straw. Just do it. √ (That's supposed to be a tick but whatever.
Ok I'm over the emo thing now. Just like clement put it (on his blog) "I OFFICIALLY CONCLUDE THAT, SLOW MUSIC MAKES ME EMO. D:"
It's quite true really. Well, not slow music but love songs, which is practically EVERY song these days. Except for green day. Now thanks a lot Mrs *, I can now only listen to green day. D<
Oh and my dad just got a new Breadmaker, which is much better than the old one. Although the bread is still kinda soggy. And grainy.
You know how to kill a person on a plane? Make a shiv. A shiv is a homemade knife. Like the ones you see on TeeVee on prison movies where they make their own knives. That's a shiv. If I was able to make a shiv, I could make it onboard (in the toilet maybe? o:) and start killing. Teehee :D
Before I die listening to All I want for Christmas is you (The My Chem version, Duh!), I shall post about today's prac.
Played soccer. Went up to the parade square 'cause some guys took the field.
A LOT OF CLOSE SHAVES. A lot of times the ball nearly fell off the parade square. And it did once. Thanks a lot shane. But luckily there was no car down there. Oh and seniors came one by one hahaha. First Shijie came and I took him. Then justin came and hendrik took him and last was bing xing. Saved a few goals but let in a few after fooling around.
Note to self: DON'T try to do a header when you're a keeper.
Oh and Hendrik scored a goal from the middle of the field. Final score: 6-5
As I saw at Eugene's blog attendance Sucked. But there's more altoes today.
Hendrik and JonLow took sectionals. Pro la. Likeen feeling down cause he was rejected lol.
[Hendrik]: okay let's do....Jesus song
Lol. Oh and we were making fun of Jonteo's commenting methods.
After I cracked
[Hendrik]: -Points to me- People around there needs to blend more. I'm not pointing at anyone but people around there -moves finger-
In the end, Jonlow didn't do anything (Not even tap) so Likeen went to help Hendrik on that "Guai Lan" part.
[Hendrik]: Altoes are like always the first section to go back from sectionals
[Me]: yeh, 'cause other sections would be like "Aw...Combines" but we're like "YES. YES. FREEDOM. SUCKER"
Oh and coincidentally, we were the first section to finish and come back.
Where are my SLs?...
Friday, December 5, 2008

I don't want a lot for christmas
There is Just one thing I need.
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the christmas tree.
Not really a big fan of christmas, but a huge fan of My Chem. Yesterday, I listened to "All I want for Christmas is You", the my chemical romance version. SO HARDCORE. lol not really. It's a bit like headfirst for halos, in terms of Chord progression. Oh and the chorus is REALLY similar to Give 'em Hell, kid. I guess Mariah Carey's one of their inspiration, no?
Well with all the Christmas hype here I decided that I will DRAW for christmas. Something related to X-Mas....
Like X-Man.
Yeah, that's it I'll draw X-men.
Damn it that song is really catchy. It's inside my head. Like Lump.
Singapore General Hospital show is in 12 days time and we haven't practiced for -counts fingers- 2 months!
Oh and welcome the new bassist-hafiz!
It's really panicking.
Thishanth said the Gig Amps are only for GUITARS, none for bass. And we need to rent a bass and a drumset. According to Shanice, Bass=$15 and Drums=$150.
If any of you is cool enough to own a drum or bass, call me. I NEED it.
and Jun Da is all Sian to go to the show 'cause he's scared he'll screw up. ARRR.
I just had this strong urge to drink milk.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sally the Camel Has
Was chatting with nabil, who has friendly match on the 11th december which results in sudden death. Wait, no, wrong.
So we were talking and he brought up this story.
[21:22] <[2000 Light Years Away]> says:
Sally the camel has
[21:22] <[2000 Light Years Away]> says:
[21:22] <[2000 Light Years Away]> says:
nine humps
[21:22] - nabil . says:
once upon a time
[21:22] <[2000 Light Years Away]> says:
[21:22] - nabil . says:
snow white was so horny
[21:23] <[2000 Light Years Away]> says:
[21:23] - nabil . says:
she grabbed pinochio and placed him in between her legs and shouted to him
[21:23] - nabil . says:
[21:23] - nabil . says:
[21:23] <[2000 Light Years Away]> says:
[21:23] <[2000 Light Years Away]> says:
Lol. Oh and before that, he sent me a link to a Barney vid.
Sally the Camel Has- Five humps.
and it eventually goes down.
Wait for the end for the Shocker.
"Sally the camel has, no humps 'cause Sally is a Horse"
Nabil was right, when the girl says "Horse", we (Initially) hear it as, ahem, Wh*re.
And the quote of the day: It's a fucking cycle of humankind
He was talking about the audience. He said,"Husband humps wife and Wife humps Child. It's a fucking cycle of humankind"
"If not, gonna get grounded yo."
Pervert Cat.
So, how Asian are you?
[x] Both of your parents are from Asia
[ ] You were born in Asia (Nay! Netherlands o:)
[ ] You use the term "Azn"
[ ] You think DDR is cool
[x] You've watched lots of anime
[ ] You like Korean drama
[ ] You have stuff hanging on your phone
[x] Your parents want you to marry within your own race (Damn shiz)
[x] You eat rice almost everyday
[x] You drink lemon tea (And How does this make us Asian?)
X's so far: 5
[ ] You style your hair
[x] You have a bebo/myspace/friendster (The Second one)
[x] You speak languages other than English
[ ] Your parents are strict
[x] Your parents have high expectations of you
[x] You know your multiplication table
[x] You play badminton or table tennis
[ ] You've seen the Asian version of The Ring/The Grudge
X's so far: 10
[ ] You go/want to go to a university and would NEVER consider an apprenticeship
[x] Your parents own an asian car (Hyundai)
[x] You're not the only child
[ ] You've gotten little red envelopes around February
[X] You know the difference between kung fu, karate and tae kwon do (zomgduh)
[ ] Your mother tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted.
[x] You can do the Rubik's cube (Ditto the Lemon tea One)
[x] You have a box of noodles somewhere in your house (YOU PEOPLE ARE PSYCHIC)
[x] You play video games/computer games (Who doesn't?)
X's so far: 16
[x] Everytime you're going out your parents ask you where you're going and what time you'll be home (I hate this)
[x] You have karaoke at home (ssshh....)
[x] You've been to a LAN more than 3 times
[ ] You have incense sticks/moth balls in your house
[x] You own a gaming console (duh)
[x] You play a musical instrument (And this makes us asian cause....)
[x] You don't wear shoes in your house
[x] You can use chopsticks
[X]You get nothing if you do well in school, but punished if you don't
X's so far: 23
[ ] Your parents won't let you go out if you have school the next day
[x] You have Asian songs on your computer/iPod
[ ] You don't like football
[x] You have a curfew
[ ] You know what ulzzang/tb means
[x] You know what purikura is (Out of curiosity, I googled it. And found out that it's one of those photo booths. So I got to put an x here D;)
[x] You like bubble tea
[x] Your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come
[x] You've played final fantasy
[ ] You believe in fortune cookies
X's so far: 29
[x] You know what bok choy is
[ ] You've heard the song "Got rice?"
[x] You have a tutor or used to
[X] You've had pockys/yan yan before
[ ] When you seek for your mother's permission she replies "Ask your dad" (The. Exact. Opposite)
[ ] You like pho
[x] You play the piano
[x] When your parents are yelling at you they repeat what they already said
[x] Your parents watch shows or movies from the country they are from
[x] You can do math in your head
[x] You actually tie your shoe laces instead of tucking them in your shoes
[ ] You have chinky eyes.
Total X's: 37
Your total x 2 = 74% Asian.
Apparently I'm only 7 points more Asian than Kristie. Read that? ONLY.
Oh remember that book "scouts in bondage"? Here's another book your mom hid in the closet...

Quick, robin, to the BATMOBILE.
(Oh and btw those awesome book covers are found by Ben Dannison, who is a writer at So if you want to see more of these awfully horrendous books, visit "The 13 Most Baffling Book Titles")

Just Read
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
"If you want to win at dodgeball, you must grab it by its hunch and hump -humps- it to submisssion"
Lol. Well, don't feel like posting now. I'll post when a CD comes out of my hunch.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Remember remember..
Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I can think of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, it was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
Last year's first of December...
So yesterday was fun. I get to do whatI wanted to do. PERFORMZomg look at the spelling mistakes.
So I was actually asked to be sort of like an opening act for my friend's band who was going to perform that day. SO me and my *temporary* band decided to bring teenagers. So we have two guitarist and a drummer (NO BASSS. So we sounded weird) I was of course *AHEM* playing the guitar and singing (FRERARD XD) And playing frank's part and the solo on the guitar (FRAY. Hehe I love word puns). Weirdly, the mike stand keeps on dropping and I had to hod onto it almost half the show.
BEfore that, I was warming up and payed basket case and sang it for fun then my friend's drummer started playing So it was quite....surprising XD.
So that was the third funnest day f my life.