Saturday, January 31, 2009
Like tabbing out Kucinta and making a rock version of it.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
First let me blabber about the things I'm not happy with
I'm happy. Not really. If I had a Smashing Pumpkins CD, I'm happy. Now I'm not happy. Find me a date D:
Alright here it goes
will be done tomorrow.
Oh oh and KIRIBAN 2000 views.
So today we had prac. Went into the room and had a (sort of) weird warmups. Then we broke into sectionals. Like 15 minutes sectionals. Lol haha the latecomers had to do 10 squats while saying something in the line of "I will never be late for sectionals again". Well, in the line of. Did the first two pages of Kucinta over and over again.
Then when the fifteen minutes were over, Hendrik (or likeen, I forgot) came up to me and said "Must be auditions". I thought of it and went like (in my mind) "Holy Clamshells batman, 15 minutes sectionals, Mr Kwei coming in late and Likeen just started running! Must be auditions"
Then I tried to chase Likeen but he was too fast. D:
Then inside the music room, while waiting for the other sections, Mr Kwei came in. I looked at Hendrik and he looked at me and we went "uh-oh".
Seated in our section, Sherman pointed to me and mouthed the word "Audition" to Jonteo.
Then one thing led to another and I was Tenor 1 for 10 seconds, and then moved to Tenor 2.
Urgh, typing that felt weird. English CA1 coming up tomorrow. Just practicing. Lol I'll fail.
Fail is an anagram for ALIF. D:
I promise I'll post something productive tomorrow...
While waiting for my productive post, here are somethings you might want to consider doing (YAY ANOTHER LIST)
- Listen to the Bukkake Udon song or the Ballad of Chuck Norris
- Study
- Read Richard Wiseman's blog
- Figure out a way for me to go back to Alto
- Help me plot out world domination
- Go to Aha! Puzzles and spend 2 hours going through the pages (WARNING: Addictive!)
- Read my Favorite online daily comics. Which includes (but is not limited to):
- Explosm
- SaturdayMorningBreakfastCereal-comics
- Dr Mcninja
- Cheer Up Emo Kid
- Sheldon
- Tell Yong Yang, Eugene and everyone else to cheerup
- Find me a girl.
Quick sir, pick the last one!
Felicia Chin
Unique searches for today:
- balding white hair actor white beard movie list.
- gerald leong antisocial personality disorder.
- What letter, apart from ‘E’, can be added to the following to complete this word?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Alright I've been reading Richard Wiseman's (the guy who wrote Quirkology) blog for a while. Every few days or so, he'll post a puzzle and reveal the answer the following week. This one is my favorite, since it's the only (real) one that I solved.
Alright here it goes.
What letter, apart from ‘E’, can be added to the following to complete this word?

If you know the answer, feel free to post on the tagboard. The answer might not be that hard, Just think, what letter could be added into "SEQUENC_" to make it complete? It's your favorite letter.
Damn I just gave away a really good clue.
The world
just kidding, I'll do it when I have time. Like after I finish my malay compo.
Ok for some reason, my tuition teacher wants me to write a gothic horror story. No, not gothic, Gothic. That era where people who are dressed in black aren't called a fag or emo. That time where you won't get marked down for writing about vampires.
Anyway, long story short, I'm gonna write the vampire story by listening to my chem. Since they have "Vampires will never hurt you" and their explicitly Gothic lyrics are similar to those in a Gothic horror story, I shall.
Rule the world with my bubblegum. Wtf.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Seems like I won't be doing the left 4 dead review today. Maybe tomorrow. After I finish off the loads of Maths and Chem homework.
-1st crap-
So I went jamming (again) with Thishanth, who bought a few people along with him. Uhh they're like 2 notches above me so I just sat there and randomly copied what Russell was doing. Played some songs I only know how to do half of. Then went to MacDonalds for Dunch. All of those while holding my bladder's urges.
-2nd crap-
Alright here's the weird google search to my blog of the day: yes man with the hobo
YES he landed on my YES MAN review. Also, the uniqueness of the search (I mean, yes man with the hobo? wtf) adds to the points.
The least unique search to my blog is, again, Felicia Chin. There was another felicia chin fanboy who came to my blog through that search. Maybe, just maybe, when he read the preview and thought I was a girl, since I did state that Johnlee said that I look like Felicia Chin with his specs on, and came to my blog, hoping that I'd have a picture that looks like her that that bloody pervert can fap to.
But no, there isn't, so don't try.
Alright that's it for today. Have fun and humps safely ;D
Monday, January 26, 2009
Angel of incidence
Ok here's the weird google search to my blog of the day: Toxcroak.
Apparently, "Ribeirão Prêto, Sao Paulo arrived" arrived on my blog searching for toxcroak. (Here's the page he landed on btw.)
This proves that Brazilians are attracted to my blog.
Not really.
The other one who came close to the Toxcroak search is a Singaporean on Mac and Safari searching for Felicia Chin. And came to my blog.
I was reading an article in the Straits Times. Apparently this famous actor Tay something has greying hair, which he said was hereditary. So a weird thought came to my mind.
What will the future (of my head) look like?
Ok so my mum's hair doesn't fall off easily but like 50% of it is white.
My dad's hair on the other hand, falls like autumn leaves but he only have one white hair and for some peculiar reason, it's on his beard.
So here it is
#4. My hair falls and turns white.
This is like the worst of the worst, I have no more hair and the only ones I have is white. So my head isn't shiny or manly. Also, it adds to the age. Just by the looks, just by the looks, guess how old your Grandpa is. I bet you don't know.
Well, if you're a hardcore motorbike fan, you could call your hair "Chrome" and boast how your head's a high quality bike.

#3. My Hair Turns White, But Stays Intact
Look, you're around your golden age, 65 around there. You'd have grandkids. Your grandkids, who inherits your rudeness, WILL call you "White Hair", "Oldie" and "White Horse", referring to your 2009 SYF Set piece. Also, it's the most common sign of aging, besides wrinkled.
You can make a lot of jokes about white horses. Or you could cut it short and look like Gerard Way on his Black Parade album. Rawr.
HAIRSTYLE MADE FAMOUS BY: Harrison Ford. You know, Indiana Jones and Han Solo. Though not FULLY white, it will be when the Indiana Jones movies stop coming out.

#2. My Hair drops out, but if there are any, it's black.
Alright, you're bald. You're bald. That's it. You don't have hair. The top of your head is as smooth as a baby's butt. Also, there is also a risk of getting blind when looking at your head, since it reflects so much sunlight. Jokes about Fallout Hair will occasionally be heard.
Hormonal changes is one of the main cause of hair loss. More importantly, Testosterone converted by enzymes in the prostate glands causes baldness. So if you add it up, it kinda says BALD MEN ARE MANLIER THAN PEOPLE WITH HAIR (on their head).
HAIRSTYLE MADE FAMOUS BY: Yu Xiao Xiang @ Myo Min Naing. Oh, a REAL famous person? BILLY CORGAN from the Smashing pumpkins. You know, the guy who looks like Gerard Way. Well, when he had hair anyway. Oh and if you say he looks young, He's born on the same year as my dad, 1967.

#1. My Hair Stays the Way it is.
You'll be the young leaf in the community. All your friends would show their pride and joy—their baldness and white hair—while you are still in your full bloom. Your hair stays in its original color, showing no sign of aging whatsoever. Your bald friends will say that you're not a real man (if you're a guy) and your grey haired friends will give you jealous looks (if you're a girl).
You're popular with the kids. Also, you can tell friends that mock you that you will live longer, cause your hair is still the same as when you're 23, although you know you won't.
HAIRSTYLE MADE FAMOUS BY: Slash. Well, he might not be THAT old, but older than my dad, who's balding, is old. (1965). Oh and in his case, when I say full bloom, I really mean fully bloomed.

Well, that concludes my post for today. As you see, it's been posted in a list, cracked style. If you want more lists, go to cracked or go into my archives, I have a few!
Tomorrow's checklist:
- Jamming
- Homework aaaaand
- Left 4 Dead Review.
Have fun >D
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Into a room where thoughts can bloom
I just realized that the songs I like are the songs that aren't made into music videos. Being overplayed sucks. Even if publicity means an additional sales to that certain album, it also mean an increase in fangirls who only like that particular song. They'd be all "I love [insert band member name here]" and "[Band name] ROCKS!!!!" but when asked track number 8 on that certain album, they flunk out and say "ehh, I only know this song -points to overplayed song-"
I wish punk wasn't dead.
I wanna be sedated.♪♫
Good Afternoon
Just one thing to say
If any of you cared to buy me Siamese Dream by Smashing Pumpkins, I'll probably be your slave, sex or otherwise, for the rest of my life.
Friday, January 23, 2009
I've been too much into internet meme for the past 2 years. I mean, I took a 3 different meme quizzes and wtf I get all of them. I need to stay off the memes guys. But srsly, it's like the funnest thing to do when you have nothing to do. Search google for that particular meme and parodies of it will come out. My fav meme so far is the Rickroll and "So I herd u liek Mudkips". Oh and count in the O RLY?, YARLY, and NU WAI owls.
Girl you must be a polynomial equation cause I don't know what I wanna do to you first.
Damn I'm a nerd.
Ok CNY Celebrations today. Day started of normal. Went for Malay class, watched the movie and then copied down the Comprehension questions. Damn I hate malay comprehension. They're not that hard, just tedious.
During assembly, Ms Tan called me some weird name like Fali or something. Since Nick and Alex (who supposedly has h*ad l*ce and told me not to spread), our monitors didn't come, me as a secretary had to bear the responsibility of taking attendance. Turns out, the only absentees are the two damned monitors. One, the guy with the h*ad l*ce and the other one who spells "Monitor" as "Moniter".
For Geography, received our class test. The whole class just completedly phailed. Well, the 26 people that are in the class anyway. So he explained on how to get the marks for the question but half the class was too busy burying their heads in their bio workbooks.
Then went for the Celebrations. The classes took some time to settle down so the programmes started kinda late. The concert was another epic phail. Ok let me list the stuffs (yay lists!)
- The MCs were barely audible, thanks to a failure in teh PA system. Yes, we did make Jaipal Jokes (Alliteration!) and how he messed up. In the middle of the show, the speakers kinda went "MUAARGHEGH". After the show, Jaipal knew that we made jokes about him, using his psychic powers, and said "That wasn't me".
- The Hired Hip Hop dancers. Point numero uno: I wonder why they put such thing in a CNY celebration show. Second point: They weren't synchronized. They're trying so hard, yet not good enough. Which is basically the definition of fail. D:
- OUR dancers. Sloppy
- Ever since I'm in 3J, I couldn't see anything on the stage. Since we are like the last class on the last row (Yes, row. Stupid matrices). So whatever's onstage is blurry and a pain in the eye
- The final sing along took our precious release time. Nobody's singing along and the people who are actually singing are, like number 1, inaudible. JAIPAL FIXIT. And the english pronounciation of the the words are stuck together. Soitkindalookslikethis,butinchinese.
Went jamming afterschool with Ryan and Thishanth.
I swear, I don't ever want to jam for 3 hours anymore, it' too much strawberry (OMG LAME PUN). It's tiring and the last hour or so will be spent in random playing of instruments or switching instruments. Then during that period of time Thishanth usually puts on his headphone and plays the drum to his own music.
So the problem today was that my musical taste and Ryan's musical taste is way off. So we had nothing that we could play in common. Except maybe some Smells like teen spirit. Oh and we played eye of the tiger. Damn funny hahaha. Also made fun of Kurt Cobain's singing in Teen Spirit.
Oh the best part about jamming is in the end. Hardcore punk version of fall for you. Hahaha. But thanks to that my sore throat went from bad to worse, making me sound like Leathermouth Frank. And that's not the best part: It sounds good. For some reason it sounds good. I shall play it next time. :D
Then played I'm yours by Jason (Mraz.) Turned into a sing-along. Oh the do do do part of the song is funny. For some reason. So when Thishanth did the Do do do thing, I laughed. Because it was eerily similar to the original version.
Went to Banquet after jamming. My awful sore throat made me crave for something hot, like
For a reason I forgot, Thishanth and I started talking about engagement in coitus. From this, Ryan randomly shouts Coitus in the MRT station and the MRT. Most of the people there either doesn't know what the hell Coitus is or is too busy playing their PSP.
Went home safely
I just realized that this post is just a recount of today. I should ask, which one is better, non-recount post or this kind?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
- Smashing pumpkins
- My Chem
- foo Fighters
- Chuck Norris Facts
- geek stuff
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (
- Dr Mcninja
- Ur Mom
- Bio Homeworks
- Fingers bleeding
- Sore throats.
And that concludes today's post. Thank you and Good Night America.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My hand hurts. I've been playing Smashing pumpkin songs for 3 hours straight. Actually only 5 of them but I repeat baby.
Now my finger is numb. Not bleeding, numb. As I type, I keep deleting words 'cause I typo so much 'cause my sense of touch is nulled.
oh and 1 more script to go until I make the video group. No? you don't know? Me and Alex are planning to make a sketch troupe. But we'll only start shooting after I made 5 scripts and then I'll make one each week. Maybe not shoot each week but def. a script each week. With so much going in school, there are loads of materials to write on.
But homeworks kills.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
- In Australia, I had a dream of being loved by another person my age. No identity. gave me a warm hug that melted my heart. Ok sounds cheesy but I dream weird stuff ok? Made me realized I don't have love.
- That Dream I told you few days before, about the plane crashing and how it nearly came true.
Oh all teacher's names change to protect identity, and to keep them from being jinxed by my dream.
A theatre. I was partnered with Zameer Husref, who in real life, only meets me in malay class and while transiting into Bio lessons. Comes in Ms Lim (not her real name). She started teaching weird languages in the form of indices, with the grammatical portion of the language shown in index form (I know wtf. I didn't make my dream ok?). I took down notes like crazy (Probably influenced by what I did in bio class today).
The place is like one of those theatres but instead of the normal chairs, they have block seats, so I couldn't see. Stood on my chair and the teacher started teaching bio. This weird kid sat next to me, holding a huge amphibian-like creature in his had, with a tube connected to the kid's mouth.
Then, Ms Lim, who was in a rush, explained that some babies are born with defects and needs other creatures to depend on. For some reason, she said frogs was the most suitable 'coz of some stuff, but I don't remember. They started passing around the class a baby sewed onto a frog and for some reason, everytime I passed it down (to a small 9 year old blond-haired girl), it manages to go back to my laps. So I decided to pass it to the right (to Zameer's side) but he's taking notes down, so I held it. the I realized that spikes were coming out of the frog's head and that that side is the mouth. I threw it down and the babies' head fell off. Class dismissed.
The next day, I came into the class with Zameer again, this time into the lvl 7 physics lab, and saw Ms Tan and Mdm Low scribbling something onto the board. They too were in a rush. When I look closer on Mdm Low's face, it was peeling and has thick crusty parts that already peeled, like it was burnt. When I looked at the board, I realized that it was the same notes as yesterday. I tried to reach for my bag but it's too far and my body was exhausted. So I told Zameer to take HIS notes but he refused to entertain me. Then I felt a sharp pain in my arm and I saw light. Then I woke up.
Ok IF this story ever came true, a few points:
- Ms Lim (None of these are their real names, so don't go ASSuming stuff) will be teaching some foreign, native language.
- I'll have a weird encounter with frogs, and might possibly be hurt by them
- I'm gonna meet zameer a lot.
- Ms Tan will help Mdm low in the near future
- Mdm Low will get a skin-related or fire-related accident soon
- and finally, I will hurt my arm.
I don't know, these stuffs are kinda stuffs that I watched a few days ago. Or is it because I listen to Smashing Pumpkins too much recently. Oh, oh, here comes an equation
Thoughts in your Mind (T) + Dreaming (D) x The Number of times you listen to smashing pumpkins a day (ySP) = Hallucination (H), Warped reality(W) (HW=Getting High) - the getting high Part (GH)
so in short: (T + D) x ySP = HW-GH
Today was full of events. Another event I particularly remember was GETTING SPIT ON.
Ok Let me tell y'all another story.
So I have been sitting around with Eugene, Ryan and Justin Goh for a while. Then I drank my Peach Tea. Clement comes into the scene and Ryan called Eugene a whore. Trying to hold back my laugh, I accidentally (ACCIDENTALLY) sprayed the water in my mouth towards justin, ryan and Eugene.
When I was apologizing to Eugene, I realized that Ryan was gone. I looked back-his mouth was full of water. Sprayed me on my face. So Clement was laughing like a freak and I wiped my face onto his shirt. Woah buddy he got angry. So he kinda did the same to me. Sprayed my face with water and poured water from his water bottle to me.
Ok I was wet. Then decided to let Karma decide what to do.
Called Eugene kabutops and then Eugene called Ryan bidoof. Played around with names a little. Clement comes into the scene and I called him pikachu. SPRAYED me with the water on his mouth and ran.
Then I shouted, " Karma will get you!"
And then
Karma struck.
A car reversed on the General office side of the parking space. ALMOST hit clement. Clement stopped on his tracks. I can hear a voice telling him off. Woah buddy Mr Maran was in the car. He said what's the problem, what's the problem. So I went towards him where clement is standing then Eugene and Ryan followed.
Mr Maran told clement off for running in the carpark and disregarding his own safety. And how clement's shirt was not tucked in and how we were kinda old to play catching. He asked us whether we were playing catching then we all said no.
Hahaha owned. Clement looks quite pissed afterwards.
I replaced the Cbox's lousy smileys with deviantArt smileys. Check them out. Type jokerplz.
EDIT: Here are the list of codes you can use
seriousplz --Joker Smiley
pringlesplz --Pringles Man smiley
:( --Huge :( face
OMGWTF --That face you make when your wife says "I'm pregnant"
blushplz -- Blushing face
happyplz - -Happy face
hitlerplz --Happy hitler!
itachiplz --Itachi Smiley
O: --O:
;) --Wink smiley
:Paranoid: --Paranoid smiley (personal fav, baby)
:O --Inversed O:?
:clap: --Applaud!
headbang --Self explanatory
lolololol --What you do when you rofl
8D* -- In Love
spork --Sporks Rocks
>( -- Angry
:| --Neutral face / pissed face
^_^ --Lousy emoticon transformed into nice one
:D --:D
>D --Evil smile
:notfunny: --Sarcastic Laugh
:starempty: --No star
:starhalf: --Half a star
:star: --Full star!
:glomp: --hug!
D: --Ohnoes!
:hug: --Give me some man love.
Monday, January 19, 2009
With smashing pumpkins.
Their searing solos and awesome vocals (BILLY CORGAN FTW) ttly made my day. So my mum just copied some of her songs onto my bro's computer so I saw this one SP song, Bullet with butterfly wings. Played it, the first verse was
"The World is a Vampire"
It's like holy moley lah. I knew this is gonna be my next My Chem. Well, there's so much in common already anyway. I knew Gerard Way was materialized into Billy Corgan. It's like their childhood music. Most of the MCR material came from Smashing Pumpkins. And Gerard looking like Billy Corgan is a plus.
First time I heard SP was in GHIII, Cherub Rock. Then There is today in Rock band 2, which in the video, they ttly look identical. I think the video was played on one my chem interview and the Youtube comment is "Way too alike" LOL.
Ok shan't be blogging, I shall study Amaths. Damn.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Holy mother of Goat
A few days ago, I randomly posted the intro lyrics to You know what they do to guys like us in prison live version and according to my feedjit, someone actually searched for it and it's the second result.
ain't that cool.
Argh, tired from buying materials to decorate class. They told us to decorate it with the Chinese New Year theme but I don't care. It's easy to make up an excuse for not doing that. Anyway, the color scheme is around the same, so it's not really noticeable that we're not following the damned guidelines.
Oh and met likeen and Jialok on the popular door. Like, Popular's door, not the popular door.
So Me, Alex and Nick was at the right door and they were entering through the left door. Saw LK and ran to him and told us they were also buying materials for classroom decorations. I assume they were chosen 'cause they're both in AEP.
So spent like an hour there deciding on the color scheme, which paper/board to use and any extra cool stuffs to buy. There is this damn cool small note thingy which they use to write notes but only like, one fact per paper. We're gonna use that for the contact info of class member. Damn coool. :D
Spent 34 bucks plus, could've been 30 dollars but I switched a lot of stuffs around. Like I bought more boards. Urrghh.
And did you realize, my post is WAY more productive when I list stuff. Or is it that I read Cracked too much...
Oh well, tomorrow's choir. I hope it goes well. If Mr Kwei auditions us with that miao miao song, I'd rather die.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Uh hoe
I wanna make a demo.
Currently, I have 5 musically finished songs without lyrics. Once I write the lyrics (which is something I despise so much), I'm gonna start recording. I don't care if I no face record my lousy songs in the jamming studio, and set it on stone.
Once I teach the other band members that is.
This is by the way, my 200th post, so happy too hundretdsth, blog!
Today is like, exactly one week after my blog's birthday (8th Jan '08) so happy first birthday too bloggie.
Maybe I should keep this up. 200 post per year, 1000 post by the time I finish JC.
Ok the five songs that are at disposal
Thank You (Working title: I must try to save you with what I have)
I actually recorded this and posted it one facebook. If you can find it that is...
But my recording used garageband and its onscreen keyboard. With unprofessional tools and sucky vocals. I'm gonna get a new vocalist btw, so I'll slack away with backing vocals. Teehee. It's also the only original song Thishanth knows how to play.
Inspiration for this song: Multi-layered queen songs and harmonics taken from Helena.
Lyrics?: Yes.
Unnamed (Working title: F-C-D)
Based on the chord progression F-C-D. For some reason, months after I wrote it (now), the rhythm guitar playing in the background sounds EXACTLY like A-ha's Take On Me's pre chorus. (which was made into a literal video sometimes back). So I had to tweak it a little. Somehow came up with this while playing around with different chordings on guitar.
Inspiration for this song: The starting progression is by accident, the chorus with separate lead guitar is inspired (fine, kinda ripped) from A7x's Lost.
Lyrics: No
Night of the Century (Working title: If You Were Here)
Yes, the working title was ripped from ''Give 'em Hell, kid" chorus lyrics. Wrote this song after I played freebird on Guitar Hero 2. Really wanted to write a clean guitar song with overlapping harmonies and guitars. The only song with a proper solo that I wrote. The solo was written a year after the song was written, which is around when I first learn the blues minor scale. Oh and if anyone could play the bass line, I salute you. 2 years ago or so, I wrote really crazy basslines, so it's very hard to memorize.
Inspiration for this song: Freebird, Teenagers solo.
Lyrics: No
Predamneds. (Working title: The Light)
The most significant thing about this song is that it has a very dark mood to it. I wrote the chorus and prechorus in a major key but it still feels scary. It's undescribable fear. This song made me realize that I must only write what I could play, 'cause the intro riff is incredibly hard to play. The transitions are too fast. Oh and there is also a proper solo in here, and an awesome usage of wah-wah.
Inspiration for this song: Thank You for the Venom, House of Wolves (Which also use a wah for its solo O:) and This is how I disappear.
Lyrics: Surprisingly, yes
Headache (Working title: Green Day-ish)
First song I wrote. I wrote this when I was in a Green Day hype, I was listening to GD more than my chem. Argh dangerous. This song follows the cliche "Get famous with 4 chords". Srsly, the song only basically involves 4 chords. It's verses follows Green Day's Walking Contradiction chorus. Guess what the song's lyrics' about.
Inspiration for this song: Major Headaches... and Green Day. Green Day.
Lyrics: Yes
Untitled (Working title: The Riff)
A ridiculous to write metal songs. When I let Thishanth hear it, he claimed that he couldn't play the double bass needed for the song. x.x
Inspiration for this song: Random stuffs
Lyrics: Nope
Untitled (Working title: Piano song)
This song was rewritten like, 4 times. Didn't like the first 3 times and ended up with a piano-ridden version on the last one, which I like for some reason. The third time I remember I was trying to fit it to a lyrics my friend gave me, but it was too hard to adjust and I just can't write the chorus. It's main riff has a very nice harmony-like sound so I decided to stick with it.
Inspiration for this song: Teen Bopper songs. XD
Lyrics: Nil.
Ghastly Man (Working title: Scare)
Another creepy song. I can't stand listening to it alone in my room. It has very weird feel to it. So for some reasons, I made it very short, 'cause everytime I evaluate it wholly, I feel like running away from my room.
Inspiration for this song: That dun dun dun duuunn sound
Lyrics: yup
Welcome, Famous (Working Title: 10)
Right, the title is ripped from WTTB and Famous last words. This song is basically a repeat of 2 different riffs with different chord progression in the background. I like this song for its simplicity.
Inspiration for this song: I'm not okay, which uses the same chord progression all along, except for the solo.
Lyrics: No.
Infamous Lanes (Working title: Walk down)
This song was literally blurted out while I was walking down an alley while visiting my cousin in australia. So I was randomly humming choir songs when this riff came up. Basically a Two fifths, a third, a fourth and a fifth again. It sounds really nice when you've got the rythm moving.
Inspiration for this song: Um, I like, saw this hobo getting high on cocaine while sniffing glue on the streets while humming this son.
Lyrics: Not Yet.
Woah what the hell, with this one song I'm working on, I actually have 11 recordable songs (without lyrics)!. That's an album in records talk yo. Bummed out about not being able to write lyrics. I want a new vocalist!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
This is Effing scary
SINGAPORE (AFP) - - A Singaporean man on trial in Indonesia for plotting terror attacks has said he plotted to crash a plane into the island-state's Changi Airport, the Straits Times reported Wednesday.
The plan was aborted when Thai authorities became aware of it, he told the newspaper from a court lock-up in Indonesia on Tuesday.
Two things
- Singapore is now a huge target for attacks. Which means that this planned one might be a diversion for them to create another one, while the hype of these two people are still big. the article also stated that the man is about to hijack the plane with Mas Selamat, which proves that his escape doesn't mean that he's idle in the business. Future attacks WILL be coming and for reasons such as "protecting the muslims". What about those you killed in the attack then?
I had a dream about this. Sunday last week or something. I had a dream of a plane crashing but it was stopped. By waking up. So the plane was spinning with smoke tailing it. And when it crashed into my house (supposedly in my dream, I lived on the 20th floor -o-) and the house started shaking. Before we all dieded, I woke up.
Might not mean anything to you but remember. DREAMS DO COME TRUE.
Ok now not so humorous, watch out what you do when you get on a plane. It might be your last flight. Savour every moment of your life.
EDIT: since this is my penultimate post till I reach the gods of the 200s, here's a tip for the hiccupy like me
Oh and first a disclaimer from the creator.
A While I still see no harm in trying my cure, if you get hiccups very violently or very often, you really should see a doctor. I’ve never heard of anyone dying from hiccups, so I wouldn’t get too worked up about it, but if you get hiccups so bad that you can’t breath or they are seriously disrupting your life, you should see a doctor. While they probably won’t have much else to offer for a cure, they may be able to help find the cause. There are many different causes (some unknown), but some I have heard of are certain medications, certain types of foods, stress, alcohol, and drinking or eating too fast.
Having gotten the disclaimer out of the way, here we go:
30-Second Hiccup Cure
(En Español)
Step 1: Start by inhaling through your mouth until your lungs feel full (when it feels like you cannot inhale any more). For overall best results, try to do this as quickly as you can. DO NOT LET ANY AIR OUT.
Step 2: Swallow. You are not really swallowing anything but it seems that without this act, it doesn’t work. DO NOT LET ANY AIR OUT.
Step 3: Now inhale some more. You don’t need to inhale a lot, but do get some more air in. It will start to get difficult to do this as you go, but keep trying. You obviously can’t suck in as much air as you did initially, but just a little will do (think of it as taking a “sip” of air). DO NOT LET ANY AIR OUT.
Step 4: Swallow again. This too will start to get difficult as you go. DO NOT LET ANY AIR OUT.
Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you cannot swallow again. While it seems you can almost always suck in just a little more air, it is the swallowing that gets to be impossible. When you feel like you cannot swallow again, swallow again anyway. It will be hard to do, your face will probably turn red, and you may make squeaking sounds. But you CAN swallow one last time. By this time, your lungs should also be quite full and it should be difficult to get much more air in as well. While you should try not to let any air out, if you have really repeated steps 3 and 4 as many times as you can, you probably will end up letting a little out before you can take that last swallow. If you find that air keeps escaping out of your nose even early in the process, try squeezing it shut with your fingers.
Step 6: Exhale.
It works. I don't care what you say it works. I just did it and it works. It's miracle. IT'S A MIRACLE. O:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I've stayed on this page for like, 1 hour 3 minutes. And This page is blank.
I am easily distracted. ooh, there, I just got distracted again. I left this page for like 31 minutes.
I've just read a book on human behavioral patterns grouped in simple shapes. According to what I've read, I'm a triangle. A triangle stands for purpose. A few weeks ago, I did a post on purpose. For the purpose of proving something to a certain senior. That I, in fact, think as much as he does.
A triangle also gets distracted easily, by simple things. Like for example on a walk to the grocery store, they start looking at objects and think "Why did they put it in this order?" and things like "Did the maker of these cereals made this out of a mold?" and questions partly irrelevant to the objective that the person is supposed to fulfill.
A triangle, hypothetically speaking, is a line with two ends that leads to a certain point which in this case, is the purpose. Triangle oriented people are also interested in miscellany facts such as "Camels and llamas can regurgitate their stomach contents and spit this material at approaching enemies." and "They have square watermelons in Japan." And for some reason, miniscule details that could sometimes freak people out.
Like earlier this post, where for some reason I wrote the exact minutes on how long I've been away, it's quite psycho if you think of it. Oh and earlier today, I made a script for the osmosis skit, and told mr munir that Chia Sin made it, and he called chia sin psycho. Could've been me but oh well.
So whether you're a triangle or a circle, we are all freaks. Everybody has a unique behavior that they subconsciously do because it's routine for them, but might be peculiar to others. Like someone who types their posts in microsoft word or ALWAYS read their posts before posting. These little habits are what makes us special. For example, if all conditions allow, I always sleep on the left side of the bed. What's YOUR 'thing'?
I've been showing signs of OCD-like behaviour lately. It' really scary 'cause I it's getting really often and I'm becoming more compulsive. I feel weird if I don't finish what I started, even if it's like, counting the number of cards in my deck of cards.
Heaven Help me! D:
Monday, January 12, 2009
You know...
Just to get down, get down, get down
Let me tell y'all a story
about five, beautiful boys
That went to jail
That went to jail.
Here we go
Here we go.
In a middle of a gunfight
in a centre of a restaurant
they said
come with your arms raised high
Well they're never gonna catch me
Like a bullet through a flock of doves
to wage
this war against
your faith
in me
So right now I'm listening to bullets songs while writing that bio skit script. Err.
For some reasons, I can't put songs to words. Yes, there are lyrics. Yes, there are other words. But there are some words that I couldn't pin down which fits exactly for the songs. When you feel really inspired and all.
It's just like everything else. They might not have quality-but the message is sent. Just like my handwriting? Hahaha. Ok shouldn't be blogging now- Damn workbooks.
Without a sound and I'll wish you away~♪♫
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Randomly pressed stuff and that <3 came out
Some people spend their life traveling the world
Some spend theirs helping out the needy.
And others are devoted to saving the world.
I spend my life doing this:

Made that myself, btw.
Oh and it's Gerard Way from my chem and Hayley Williams from paramore.
Yes I know, the hayley one looks like a lao zha bor. And the Gerard one looks like elvis. XD
i srsly should be doing Amaths homework.
I've been waiting here for you
Woke up from an accidental afternoon sleep. Now is 12.18 am and I have choir tomorrow. Why the hell am I blogging.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sec ones
5. Maybe.
When asked whether interested or not
4. Sing what?
When asked to sing
3. [Insert register number here]
When asked for register number
2. Got difference ar?
After moving from 1 scale to another
When asked what CCA they're interested in.
Seriously, there are like, 20+ people saying that they want to join Air Rifle. On the yearbook, it visible that there are like, what 20 people in Air rifle. Oh, once I told them that the TIC is OM Chia, they got scared. Hahaha.
Ok, don't feel like blogging. Real update after choir prac on sat.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I see.
The past week's been exhausting. I fell asleep the moment I reach home everyday. Today is like the worst so far. Maybe 'cause of the 2.4 we had to run. Or maybe the super-boring Physics lessons. I had fun but it's just exhausting. Don't know whether I want to go for sec 1 audits. tomorrow...
Don't wanna post, wanna do Malay homework.
Monday, January 5, 2009
if anything could ever be this good again
the only thing I'll ever ask of you
Dude Everlong rocks. If I get to play a show this year, here's the songs I wanna play:
-Pour some sugar on me
-Any way you want it
-The Pretender
Ok first day of "real" curriculum.
Teacher: Mr Zuraimi.
I swear I see at least 5 people sleeping. Mr Zuraimi's voice is a bit soft, so we must listen out. Sneaky >D.
He explained surds and indices, which according to him will be used a lot. Neraly fell asleep, the class was dark and the wind was nice. Great timing, nature
Teacher: Mr Munir
This is where the fun began. Today was intro day. What to expect in biology, how to score well in it. And then intro. For intro we must give: Our Name, CCA and tell him whether we have any girlfriends.
[Mr munir]: My name is Munir, you must call me Mr. Munir. I do not have any girlfriends and the prettiest girl I've ever met is Megan Fox.
So went around the whole class asking those stuff. Oh and some students went to say teacher's names for the prettiest girl part, which resulted in unanimous laughter.
Teacher: Ms Tan
Ok first 2 periods are spent doing Admin stuff: Money for printing, report books, money for books. Then when she starts drawing that mindmap, I realized my writing was damn disorganized. Ok then I got bored and started talking about line rider to Alex. And when the school bell rung, it started raining gumballs. No, just kidding.
ok I just posted 'cause I feel like it, didn't want to post long. Just like what Jonteo said.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
They're playing so damn loud right now that I can't sleep. Oh their sound check was so loud, I could hear them play like at 2pm. wth lah I got school tomorrow. If you want to have a concert, have it in a soundproof place dammit.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
We're no strangers to love...
Talking about significance (go back a few days), I feel like blogging but there's nothing to blog about. So....
here comes a list.
No I'm not going to write about other people's blogs. It's about my blog yes? 'Cause you're here to read MY blog. Some of you were here when it was born, came through relink or came from other people's blog. Nonetheless, I'm sure none of you read every post I made. So here's some of my favorite posts, with the extra dirt you never knew.
15. Light
This is when I realized the truth about something. Something very dear and that something nearly became god of a new society....yagami.
14. hoenoes
Ok get this. I've booked a studio that monday, which costs like 16 bucks per hour, and suddenly there was prac on that day. First time I ponned prac intentionally, I think.
13. I judge all you bloggers.
Haha. The title was taken from Tre Cool, who said "I judge all you drummers" in the Bullet in a Bible DVD. This was the first time I realized it was necessary to remove my blog from search engines. If I did post some sensitive stuff and someone gets here searching for something in that topic, BAM baby, flame war.
12. I wore my coat with gol-CRACK-lining
Speech day rehearsal. I remember there was a lot of things going on. This post was written in a chaotic state of mind. Which I like >D
11. Long Week FTW
First day of some term I forgot. I think it was semester two. Yeah it was a REALLY long day. Oh this was after olomouc, so I posted the pokemon names of the (at that time) sec 1s and 2s. Ah yes good times, good times.
10. 100
The 100th post. Did a 100 Qs quiz there. But I remember there were a few Qns missing so I got lazy and answered randomly for the other questions. hahaha.
9. I hate/love my shoe
School was ending and the atmosphere was getting a bit hyper. A few people and I were making quotes, subliminal ones, and wrote it on the two whiteboards I brought to school. We should do that more.
8. I can't control my mind since I've been told to.
Headaches. Wrote about all the bad headache I've been getting. Everytime I read this post I feel like sleeping. No clue why.
7. Gurg.
A rather recent post. Made a list about zombies hahaha. I think this is the first "list" I've made. Wait...
6. We suck live
Oh yes there is this post about my top 20 links in my bookmark. The title is something inspired by dragonforce, who kinda sucks live a little bit. I also have a secret blog by that title-not the link tho'. Bored? Read this post and get watchin'
5. Two Left
Second last post before I went blogging cold turkey to study for EOY exams. For some reason I talked about Abercrombie and fitch. For some reason. Scary.
4. Mi Amor
Like I said, the title have no connection whatsoever to the post. Except for the fact that I posted binary codes that spell 'AMOR'. Wrote this a week or so before the SGH show. Listed why I didn't pick certain songs.
3. Yes Man
12 people. 12 people don't read my blog. Wrote a review about yes man after watching it for the first time. I like how I wrote extensively on the plot, and none at the actual review.
2. Longview
Tried to copy Jonteo's type of post in this post. I realize it was really tiring, since I'm easily distracted. So it took me like what, 5 hours to write this including the time to surf other websites inbetween.
1. Remember remember...
Just kidding
#1. Remember remember..
Ah yes. Nostalgia. I like this post so much 'cause it reminds me of the good times. I used to photoshop a lot, so my dA is filled with these crap. Hahaha. So if you want anything done from me, call me ;D
Friday, January 2, 2009
Being with new classmates is real weird. Like these people you're gonna be stuck with for the next two years, but you don't know any of them. You see some of them during recess maybe at sec 1&2 but never really got to know them. Kinda creepy but this year's 3J is a really weird class. No, I mean weird kids inside (excluding me, yes make the joke).
Oh and this happened at the end of the day
I was walking with Alex towards the school gate when we passed Mr. Zabid
[Mr. Zabid]: Eh Alex, why didn't you go for AEP? Scared of me issit?
[Alex]: Err, no
[Mr. Zabid]: If you want to go come see me.
and a few seconds later, Hao Yang crossed our path
[Mr. Zabid]: Eh, Hao Yang, why didn't you go AEP?
[Me & Alex]: pffft. XD
Ok I went a little overboard with the background of the blog. I know it's really low res but it's all the .GIF's fault. You scroll down below those squares and you can see an animated text. Part of the My Chem vid.
Ok I did use some stuff from other people's blogs but it's ttly different, just looks the same. Don't go around flaming me, in advance. :D
Thursday, January 1, 2009
But if you look at it another way, it might just be something else.
1+8=9 The month I which I was born in
1+8+4=13: The day I was born in
btw this is the 184th post.
There were 183 posts in 2008
And the first one in 2009 would be this, talking about how a random number could be somehow significant.
Happy new year, may all your wishes come true.
Like in my case: I wish that Mr Ikhwan will just post the classes already. Geez.